What Does Psalm 34:3 Mean?

O magnify the LORD with me, And let us exalt His name together.

Psalm 34:3(NASB)

Verse of the Day

Worship and praise should be on our lips from morning to night, for the Lord our God is with us in every season and situation of life. Reverential praise and grateful thanks should be the watchword of every Christian... both individually and corporately. No wonder the Psalmist excites those around him to, "come, and magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His wonderful name together."

There is no partiality with God and there should be none on our side either, for whether Jew or Gentile, male or female, young or old, bond or free... the Lord alone is worthy of ALL our combined praises and worship and His name should be lifted up in continuous prayer and never-ceasing jubilation by those that are called by His name.

When the Lord has stolen our heart and saved our soul, it should be the desire of everyman to unite their voice together as one in jubilant songs of worship and exultant psalms of prayer and praise.

Individual eulogies can escalate into a cacophony of joyful celebration and lyrical language, when brothers and sisters unite together to lift up the wonderful name of Jesus, resulting in a beautiful explosion of adoration for our God and Saviour - for by faith in the lovely name of Jesus we have been saved and at the name of the Almighty Lord, Jesus Christ - Creator of heaven and earth - every knee will bow.

We have been made a new creation in Christ and have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb... and as saved saints, we should not be content to simply worship the Lord in the isolation of our own hearts, but should desire to rejoice in spirit and truth together with others who have, in like manner, been rescued from the pit of destruction and securely placed into the family of God.

Magnification of the Lord and the jubilant exaltation of His holy name, should be a dear desire in the heart of all who have been forgiven of their sins by faith in Christ and have received eternal life by the goodness and grace of Almighty God.

Therefore, brothers and sisters in Christ... "come, and magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together."

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, what a privilege and joy it is to have been saved into the family of God and become part of Christ's inheritance. Thank You for the opportunities I have to rejoice in the Lord with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Together, may we magnify the Lord and exalt the wonders of His name - for You alone are worthy of our praise and worship - not only in this world but in the eternal ages to come. How I Praise the Lord in the beauty of holiness, and how I rejoice in His name, and again I say rejoice! In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

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