A magnificent song of praise bursts forth from the pen of the anonymous psalmist, as he summons together the host of heaven with all those that dwell on the earth, to worship the Lord... to praise His name and glorify Him with exultant shouts and great rejoicing of the heart. "Hallelujah!" his song begins, "Praise the LORD."
The opening word of the writer informs us that we are not going to slowly climb up a read more...
A great chorus of praise and worship is offered up in Psalm 148, from every corner of the cosmos. Both animate and the inanimate sectors of God's creation unite in a great celestial choir and cacophony of praise, to the One who has established them forever and made a decree that will never pass away.
A harmonious host of angelic beings combine their respective voices with the rest of creation, to glorify God and honour the read more...