2 Timothy Devotional Commentary

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2 Timothy 1:2

2 Timothy 1:2

Following on from his introductory greeting in this letter to Timothy, Paul immediately identifies himself as an apostle of Christ according to the will of God. He confirms that His ministry is according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus, by faith... before addressing Timothy as, "my dearly beloved son."

Timothy was not Paul's physical

2 Timothy 1:4

2 Timothy 1:4

As he penned his final epistle from a dungeon in Rome, Paul wanted to encourage this young pastor to stand fast in the faith and endure the inevitable challenges he would face, if he were to be faithful in ministry, remain true to the glorious gospel of grace, and preach the Word of God to a world that was dead in sins and at enmity with God.

Timothy was Paul's dear son in the faith, and this verse alone shows how his heart read more...

2 Timothy 1:5

2 Timothy 1:5

As Paul was nearing the end of his ministry, we discover that all but a handful of believers had deserted him and many were straying from the gospel of grace. Following a life of hardship and pain where he determined to preach nothing but Christ crucified, we discover Paul at the end of his life, alone and in a Roman prison cell. He obviously recalled the sincere faith that so exemplified this special young disciple as he wrote his final epistle, but so too did he read more...

2 Timothy 1:6

2 Timothy 1:6

As Paul neared the end of his life, the wisdom he proffered to Timothy is as relevant today as the day on which he picked up his quill to pen his final message as God's chosen apostle to the Gentiles. Having joyfully recalled his trust in Jesus, as well as the sincere faith of his mother and grandmother, Paul called on Timothy to: "Fan into flame the gift of God, which was in him."

Christ was the final revelation

2 Timothy 1:7

2 Timothy 1:7

Down through the centuries, the normal Christian life has been one of intense persecution, pain, rejection, ridicule, subjugation, and death. The early Church of the first century was scattered far and wide, as an increasingly hostile world fed many to the lions and burnt others at the stake. As we read of men and women of faith (like those listed in the Hebrews 11 role of honour), we discover that many were enslaved, exploited, and exterminated for the sake of read more...

2 Timothy 1:8

2 Timothy 1:8

Timothy was called to Christian fidelity. He was encouraged to stir up his spiritual gift and to fan it into a burning flame of effective ministry and faithfulness to his calling. He was to be brave and very courageous in a world where those who followed 'the Way' were despised, marginalised, imprisoned, and even killed for their faith.

Paul was writing to Timothy, his 'son in faith' from his prison cell, in Rome. He wrote to read more...

2 Timothy 1:9

2 Timothy 1:9

God saved us from the penalty of sin at Calvary. God continues to save us from the power of sin throughout our Christian life, and God is going to save us from the presence of sin when we stand before Him in glorified bodies, and it is all by grace.

We were not saved because of our goodness or achievements. We were not redeemed because of anything that we have done. We were not adopted into God's family due to any merit that comes read more...

2 Timothy 1:10

2 Timothy 1:10

Being the last letter Paul would write, it is not surprising that this second letter to Timothy, his 'child in the faith' is intensely personal and charged with emotion. These final words from Paul to the young pastor, are reminiscent of the farewell address Moses gave to Israel before he transferred the reins of responsibility to Joshua.

No doubt, Paul felt a similar sentiment as he prepared for his departure from this world read more...

2 Timothy 1:11

2 Timothy 1:11

During his lifetime, Paul had to face much personal criticism and significant hostility towards his message and his ministry, but he was not ashamed of the gospel, because he knew the gospel of Christ was the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. It was Paul's deep desire to encourage Timothy to reflect this same fervour, and not to allow critics to discourage him in his own pastoral ministry.

Timothy was a young

2 Timothy 1:12

2 Timothy 1:12

In writing to Timothy, a beloved son in the faith, Paul explains in the opening words of this epistle that he is suffering deeply because of the gospel of Christ. But far from complaining, he is reminding Timothy that all who live godly lives in defence of the gospel of Christ, will suffer in this world. But the glory of the gospel and the eternal truths that it contains far outweigh the pain of persecution in this world, and so Paul confesses: "I am read more...

2 Timothy 1:13

2 Timothy 1:13

There are many 'patterns' in the Word of God that are there for our learning which act as illustrations of godly living. Christ's life was one such pattern, and His life was lived in the way that God desires all His children to live - a sacrificial life of dependent trust in the Lord for all things, a holy life that is prepared to say, "Thy will, not mine be done," to the glory of God.

Paul used his own life as

2 Timothy 1:14

2 Timothy 1:14

Amazing things happen to the one who is saved by faith in the Person and work of Christ. The moment we are born of the Spirit, we are positioned in Christ and baptised into His Body. We are transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His dear Son, and declared righteous by God because we are identified with Christ's death and Resurrection.

We become heirs of God, joint-heirs with Christ, and have an read more...

2 Timothy 1:15

2 Timothy 1:15

Paul seemed to be aware in this letter to Timothy, that he had not much time left before he would be taken to be with the Lord. Maybe this is why there seems to be an urgency in his writing with an emphasis on remaining faithful to the Lord Jesus in times of trouble, standing firm on the truth of the gospel of Christ, and being diligent to present oneself to God as a faithful worker that does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.


2 Timothy 1:18

2 Timothy 1:18

Being the last identified letter of the apostle Paul, we can recognise an urgency in his message to Timothy, his trusted son in the faith and pastor to the Christians at Ephesus. It appears that Paul suffered greater hardship in this final imprisonment in Rome. In his earlier incarceration, the apostle appeared to enjoy a significant amount of freedom when he continued to receive encouragement and support from the believers in Rome, as well as fellow-labourers in read more...

2 Timothy 2:1

2 Timothy 2:1

There are many challenges for the Christian to patiently endure, in the midst of trials and tribulation. Believers are exhorted to be diligent in the faith and strive to be approved unto God – a worker that does not need to be ashamed before Him.

The urgency of this message becomes increasingly intense as Paul's life draws to a close, and none more so than in this final letter to Timothy, his beloved 'son read more...

2 Timothy 2:2

2 Timothy 2:2

Jesus taught that false Christs, false prophets, and ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing would arise and mislead many - even the elect of God. Indeed, while Paul was alive, many false teachers had already infiltrated the Church with the explicit intent to destroy Christianity and Church-age doctrine - most of which was given through God's holy apostles and prophets and recorded in the New Testament epistles.

Paul knew that after

2 Timothy 2:3

2 Timothy 2:3

Paul's life is getting near to its end and he has experienced many different kinds of hardships and sufferings in His life, for the sake of the gospel of Christ. He was told at the start of his ministry that he would suffer many things for the name of the Lord Jesus, and what a catalogue of trials and tribulations have been listed in his various epistles.

Now as his life draws to its close, Paul is reminding his spiritual son, read more...

2 Timothy 2:7

2 Timothy 2:7

In Paul's final epistle before his death, he wrote to Timothy urging him to be strong in the Lord, to live godly in Christ Jesus, and to hold fast to the faith. He encouraged this young pastor to "endure life's hardships, like a good soldier of Jesus Christ," and not get "entangled in life's pressures."

Timothy was encouraged to run the race of life like a top athlete - pressing on to the finishing mark, and Paul pointed out that read more...

2 Timothy 2:10

2 Timothy 2:10

Paul often uses the military or farming to illustrate the essential qualities of the Christian man or woman, for a soldier must be loyal, dependable, disciplined and self-sacrificing while the farmer needs to be hard-working, patient, single-minded and confident that his labour will one day produce a great harvest. Paul was prepared to endure ALL THINGS in order to proclaim the whole spectrum of Christian salvation and service - for not only did God save us read more...

2 Timothy 2:12

2 Timothy 2:12

As believers, we have been given many precious promises - not only those that relate to our justification but also promises in connection with our sanctification. At salvation, we were born again at a particular time and particular place. At salvation, we were justified by faith in Christ for the forgiveness of our sins and life everlasting. At salvation, we were transferred from the kingdom of Satan in the kingdom of God, but as born-again children of God, we read more...

2 Timothy 2:13

2 Timothy 2:13

We base our faith on the veracity of the Word of God. If God were a liar - (and He is NOT), then our faith would be founded on a very flimsy foundation. However, one of God's characteristics is truth, and the Lord Jesus Himself, reinstated one very important fact: "I AM the way. I AM the truth - I AM the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by Me."

One of the

2 Timothy 2:15

2 Timothy 2:15

It is to God, not to man, that we are to diligently study in order to show ourselves approved. What is man that we should be mindful of what man thinks of us? Too often the gospel truth to which we hold fast, is foolishness to the world of men and can also be distorted by the finite thinking of many theologians.

It is also the God-breathed Scripture, which is His inerrant Word of Truth that is to be the focus of our study and not read more...

2 Timothy 2:19

2 Timothy 2:19

The spread of false doctrine in the Church is likened to a cancer that spreads and infects the physical body, which finally dies. The Church of God, individually and corporately, should rather stand fast on the firm foundation of Christ Jesus our Lord and should shun every kind of evil thought, unkind word, ungracious action, or selfish motive.

And so we are called to be faithful soldiers who obey their commander-in-chief, read more...

2 Timothy 2:22

2 Timothy 2:22

Though Timothy was younger in the faith than Paul, he had a spiritual maturity that equipped him for the pastoral work that was entrusted to him. However, the old apostle knew the wily ways of the devil who prowls around as a roaring lion seeking to shipwreck the faith of all God's children, through the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.

And so we discover Paul warning Timothy, his son in the faith, to separate himself from read more...

2 Timothy 2:24

2 Timothy 2:24

We are called to be bond-servants of the Lord and as such, are not to follow our own wishes but those of Jesus Christ our Saviour. As His servants, we are all called to share the truth of the glorious gospel of grace, despite the fact that the life of a believer is far from easy.

Many of those with whom we desire to share the good news of Christ, oppose the Word of God and make it difficult and discouraging for us to share this read more...

2 Timothy 3:1

2 Timothy 3:1

At the end of his life, when all had forsaken him and Paul lay condemned in a Roman cell, he penned an accurate description of the state of the world in the end times as the time for Christ's return drew ever closer. Paul gave important information on how to identity these end times, which would become increasingly fraught with danger and wickedness; and he also gave clear instruction on how to respond during this evil time, and outlined the responsibility of every read more...

2 Timothy 3:6

2 Timothy 3:6

As Paul prepared to leave this world, his deep desire was to ensure that believers like his spiritual son, Timothy, were properly equipped to face the influx of false teachers and demonic doctrines that were flooding the churches.

We find him exhorting believers to stand firm on the truth of the gospel of God, to preach the Word of truth at every opportunity, to be constant in the faith of the saints, and to persevere, by God's read more...

2 Timothy 3:7

2 Timothy 3:7

Paul knew that perilous times were coming on the Church, when apostasy would be rife within Christendom. He warned Timothy of the many identifying factors which would characterise the end of the age. Men and women would be selfish, conceited, and egotistical. They would be greedy for money and display pride and arrogance. They would blaspheme God and be disobedient to parents - and they would be unthankful, unholy, unloving, and unforgiving.


2 Timothy 3:8

2 Timothy 3:8

Opposition to the Word of truth and the testimony of God is as old as the hills, and hostility toward the Christian faith, the Church of God, and the truth of the glorious gospel of grace, continues to rumble around the globe today and ravage many ministries, just as it did when Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt.

Paul knew that

2 Timothy 3:9

2 Timothy 3:9

While Paul gives a resounding call to patient endurance in life's difficulties, purity in personal conduct, and faithfulness in Christian ministry, he is equally eager to warn us of perilous times ahead, the ploys of the enemy to shipwreck our faith, and the insidious dangers of false teachers.

This section of Scripture gives graphic details of the ungodly traits read more...

2 Timothy 3:12

2 Timothy 3:12

We live in a fallen world, and there are many challenges that face the believer who has not only trusted Christ for salvation, but is also ready and willing to deny self, take up his cross, follow Christ’s example, and say without compromise – Thy will, not mine, be done.

The newborn baby Christian has to grow in grace and mature in the faith over an unspecified period of time, to reach this level of maturity in his faith, while other who believe read more...

2 Timothy 3:14

2 Timothy 3:14

I am sure as Paul reflected on his life, in that dark, dank, dreary dungeon in Rome, his heart was gladdened when he thought of Timothy, his spiritual son in the Lord.

But Paul also recognised that the days were becoming darker and increasingly evil, when men would become lovers of themselves, and would not tolerate sound doctrine. He wanted to warn this beloved disciple that a time was fast approaching when people would pursue read more...

2 Timothy 3:15

2 Timothy 3:15

Timothy had not only been taught the Scriptures from childhood, but had come to know and become personally convinced of the veracity of their content. What an wonderful example his mother and grandmother proved to be, and yet such godly witness of the truth of God's Word should be the norm for every Christian mother, father, and grandparent.

There are certain important truths that were uniquely given to Paul for the Church in this read more...

2 Timothy 3:16

2 Timothy 3:16

As we thumb through the pages of Scripture, which have become so familiar to us, it is a challenging and awesome thing to consider Who it is that lies behind those inspired pages and the eternal significance of their content. The written Word of God is not just a collection of curious books, penned in antiquity. Scripture is a direct revelation from the living God to His born-again people, and we would do well to take every page to heart.


2 Timothy 3:17

2 Timothy 3:17

In a world where satanic deception, doctrines of demons, and multitudes of false teachers, apostles, prophets, and priests seek to shipwreck the faith of Christians and render their lives fruitless, the inspired and inerrant Word of God is profitable for sound doctrine, godly correction, spiritual growth, and instruction in righteousness.

The Bible cannot be compared with any other book or so-called 'holy writings' or stimulating read more...

2 Timothy 4:1

2 Timothy 4:1

In the 2nd book of Timothy chapter 4, you find the last recorded instructions in the Bible from Paul to the Church, and as such should be considered of great significance. Paul was Timothy's spiritual adviser and here we find him solemnly charging Timothy in the most sombre terms to contend earnestly for the faith, to boldly preach the Word of God, and to teach the gospel of grace that was given directly to Paul from the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself.


2 Timothy 4:2

2 Timothy 4:2

We are exhorted to preach or expound the Word of God. We are instructed to preach or proclaim the truth of Scripture, for the Word is life and light, it is hope and it is peace, for we preach Christ crucified. To preach the Word is to preach the truth, and to preach the truth of God's Word is to preach Christ - with no compromise.

In today's relative world when absolute truth is being refuted on all sides and the Word of God is read more...

2 Timothy 4:3

2 Timothy 4:3

Second Timothy is the last of Paul's epistles. He was a prisoner in Rome and knew that his life was nearing its end. Paul also knew that after his departure, grievous wolves would arise in the Body of Christ and would not spare the little flock of God.

It is not surprising, therefore, that Paul gives significant advanced-warning about treachery within the Church and seriously cautions Timothy against false teachers, doctrines of read more...

2 Timothy 4:5

2 Timothy 4:5

There is an urgency in this final letter from Paul which exhorts Timothy to maintain fidelity, faithfulness, and endurance in his Christian service and warns him of a fast-approaching apostasy. Having reminded him of the rise of false teachers who compromise the truth of the glorious gospel with a 'comfortable' creed designed to tickle men's itching ears, Paul's final instruction to his 'son in the faith' is: "But you, be sober in all things; endure hardship; read more...

2 Timothy 4:6

2 Timothy 4:6

Paul knew that his life was soon to end, and that this second letter to Timothy would be the final epistle he was to pen before His death. As he sat in his dark dungeon waiting for his execution, Paul wanted to impress on Timothy the important responsibility that now lay on his shoulders, and on the shoulders of those other faithful servants of God.


2 Timothy 4:7

2 Timothy 4:7

Second Timothy was the last epistle written by the great apostle Paul to his son in the faith, for our learning, shortly before his impending death. Paul wrote his letter when incarcerated in a Roman prison, and knew without a shadow of a doubt, that he was already being poured out as a sacrificial offering to the Lord. Indeed, in the previous verse we read, "For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has read more...

2 Timothy 4:8

2 Timothy 4:8

As soon as we are saved by grace through faith, we are called to live by grace through faith. And at the end of his final epistle, before his death, Paul reminds Timothy to keep running with perseverance the Christian race set before him, to preach the God-breathed Word, and to stand fast and patiently endure, by grace through faith, as he waits expectantly for the return of the Lord.

Like Timothy, we too are to live by grace read more...

2 Timothy 4:10

2 Timothy 4:10

These sad and sombre words were written by Paul to Timothy, very close to the end of his ministry when imprisoned in Rome. Demas was a fellow-believer and one of Paul's fellow-workers, and yet Demas later deserted the apostle because "he loved this present world," more than his life in Christ. How sad.

We do not know the reason for his return to the world. Maybe it was simply the destructive lure of the flesh or read more...

2 Timothy 4:18

2 Timothy 4:18

The second book of Timothy was written near the end of Paul's life as he faced certain execution at the hands of Rome. He had received increasing opposition to his ministry from legalists and other enemies of the gospel, who vigorously opposed his teaching. And he sadly reported that all the Christians in Asia had forsaken him, including some of his closest friends.

In this letter to the young pastor, we discover that Paul was read more...