Ezekiel Devotional Commentary

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  • Ezekiel
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Ezekiel 1:28

Ezekiel 1:28

Ezekiel opened his book by informing us he was a Judean priest who had been taken into Babylonian exile at the same time that Israel's king, Jehoiachin, was also captured. There were three separate occasions when Jews were deported to Babylon, and Ezekiel was among those in the second group of deportees. He was one of four priests who were also called by God to be a prophet, the other three being Jeremiah, Zechariah, and John the Baptist.


Ezekiel 12:11

Ezekiel 12:11

The Sovereign Lord does nothing without first revealing His plan to His servants, the prophets, and Ezekiel was one such servant through whom the Lord spoke to His people, Israel, and disclosed many wonderful and many terrible things.

Although this man of God warned of the judgement to come, there is much in this book that emphases the sovereign authority of the Lord, which gives encouragement and comfort to his people, Israel.

Although the

Ezekiel 34:23

Ezekiel 34:23

Ezekiel the prophet was given some astonishing visions of the glory of God and delivered many of his prophetic words of warning through acting out on the stage of life the approaching judgements of God on the increasingly apostate nation of Israel. He was the main player in God's one-man cast that described in detail the approaching doom and the eventual restoration of his people.

He forewarned that the glory of God would leave read more...

Ezekiel 36:26

Ezekiel 36:26

Israel's heart had become rebellious, idolatrous, and hardened against God. Despite breaking the conditions of their first covenant with Him, the Lord, in His grace, promised to make a New Covenant with His people. This time it was to be an UN-conditional covenant. There were no legal requirements for Israel to carry out - no conditions that they could break. In His New Covenant with Israel, the Lord promised to give His people a new heart of flesh, instead of a read more...

Ezekiel 37:8

Ezekiel 37:8

The final few chapters of Ezekiel give some important prophetic insight into God's future plan for His people, Israel, in the end times. The prophet is supernaturally spirited away from his home while exiled in Babylon, and given a curious vision of a valley full of dry, human bones.

This vision speaks of Israel's future restoration to the Promised Land, but shows that their return to the Lord will be established in a number of read more...

Ezekiel 37:11

Ezekiel 37:11

In chapter 36 of Ezekiel, the Lord made a beautiful promise to His chosen people, Israel. Despite being divided as a nation, driven from their land, deprived of their king, and dispossessed of their Temple, God pledged to restore His people to their land and to unite their divided kingdom. He promised to bring them back to their homeland with enormous blessings and to re-establish a redeemed people, under the sovereign rule of His servant, David.


Ezekiel 37:17

Ezekiel 37:17

Many of the prophecies Ezekiel gave to Israel were delivered through mime or by means of play-acting. On one occasion, Ezekiel wrote on a clay tablet and on another occasion, he shaved his head. One prophecy was illustrated by baking his bread over dung, and another by lying on his side for an extended period of time. Other prophetic illustrations included him packing his bags, quivering and shaking, preaching to the forest, and refusing to mourn for the read more...

Ezekiel 38:2

Ezekiel 38:2

Chapter 38 begins Ezekiel's sixth and final oracle concerning Israel. It gives some vital information on God's future, prophetic plan for His people, and the chapter begins, "The word of the Lord came to me..." Ezekiel started to receive these eschatological insights in this oracle, only hours before the exiles in Babylon heard the devastating news... that Jerusalem had fallen. 


Ezekiel 38:4

Ezekiel 38:4

The most thrilling stories to be told are those found in the Word of God. Not only are they exciting and dramatic, but they are true. They teach us great lessons and provide us with valuable warnings that affect all our lives. Some speak of battles and bravery that took place in the far distant past. Some describe kings who were brought low, or shepherds who were elevated to positions of high authority and great responsibility. 


Ezekiel 38:16

Ezekiel 38:16

The Lord told Gog, the satanically inspired ruler of end-times events, that a day is coming when he will be summoned to invade the Promised Land of Israel. Together with a vast army of allies from Persia, Ethiopia and many clearly identifiable nations, he will march against God's people and this invasion is to happen at the 'time of the end.' The Lord told Gog that He would 'put hooks in his jaw' and give him and his allies, an irresistible urge to flood into the read more...