In the opening verse of Job, we are given certain distinctive features about the main character who lived in the land of Uz. We read he was a good man who feared the Lord and turned away from evil. Although we later discover he was wealthy, highly esteemed by all, and a man of prayer with 10 adult children, reverence for the Lord is a distinctive feature which identified Job as someone with a teachable spirit and a desire for godly understanding: "For the fear read more...
Job is an amazing example of unjustified and undeserved human suffering... but we are given a remarkable peep behind the scenes of the terrible trauma and pain he underwent. Indeed, we are given a rare glimpse into the Lord's heavenly administration as He rules the entire, created universe from on high.
As soon as Job has been introduced to the reader, we are whisked right into the presence of the Almighty, where we discover that read more...
Job was a spiritual man who trusted God. He was a prayerful man, who kept his seven sons and three daughters covered by prayer, appealing to the Lord for their spiritual well-being. He was a wise man who had been blessed by God in many ways, and he was a pillar of spiritual piety among his peers.. but Job was unaware of the spiritual battle that was raging in heavenly places.
Although he knew God as Creator and worshipped Him read more...
Satan had done his worst to God's servant, Job, in his attempt to get him to deny the goodness of God and curse the Lord to His face. This afflicted man had lost all his worldly wealth, his ten adult children, his wife's respect, and the esteem he enjoyed from the local community. Nevertheless, his faith in God never faltered, and he was able to say: "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has read more...
In chapter 1, we read of Satan's first, devastating attacks on Job's family, his fortune, and his standing in the community. Chapter 2 begins sometime after this with Job's second trial of faith. Once again, Satan presents himself before the Lord, Who permits this enemy of our soul to continue his evil assault on God's unsuspecting servant.
We are granted a little insight into the second dialogue between God and Satan. Satan read more...
In the first couple of chapters of Job, we witness two unfounded attacks by Satan on a God-fearing man called Job. The first was an assault on his family and possessions while the second affected his physical body and health. We are permitted a peep behind the heavenly scene, where this man, who was justified in the eyes of God by faith, became the target of Satan's accusations.
God permitted the accuser of our soul to test the read more...
Job is introduced to us as a righteous man whom the Lord allowed to undergo some severe suffering that affected him financially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Overnight, his whole world fell apart as he dealt with the death of his ten adult children, and faced utter, financial ruin.
Job was further afflicted with painful boils that covered his entire body, and only the reader of the book of Job is aware of the reason read more...
Job paints a picture of man's portion while on earth. Whether saved or unsaved, man's destiny, from start to finish, is overshadowed by utmost sorrow in life and separation from our Creator due to sin. But for the lost sinner who knows that his Redeemer lives, his life will end with the most glorious reconciliation.
The long and dramatic tale of woe experienced by Job, begins with the most shocking series of catastrophes which read more...
Job was a man with whom thousands must have identified over the centuries. He was one who trusted God, and the Lord had blessed him in many ways. He had a lovely home, a faithful wife, sons and daughters, flocks and herds. But Job was set to face some of the most difficult trials and problematic circumstances that countless souls have faced - and which many are facing today, in these troubled times in which we live.
The story
Job was a righteous man. He was a man of integrity. He was a pillar in the community who gave assistance to many people. He helped to strengthen the weak hands. He enabled the tottering to stand, and he supported those with feeble knees. But following Satan's severe attack on his home, his children, and his wealth, Job's position in society quickly deteriorated, and his body became covered with painful sores, from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. Job's read more...
Job was a righteous man who was seriously afflicted by the destructive hand of Satan, causing him deep distress and pain.
Although he kept silence for a time, Job finally cried out to the Lord in anguish, compelling his three friends to respond with a series of long, self-righteous speeches in which they used human logic rather than Biblical truth to explain the shocking chain of events in Job's life.
Throughout the book of Job, we hear his continuous, bitter complaints, which expose a heart of pride and spirit of self-satisfaction. We also observe the misguided accusations of each of Job's friends and their utter ignorance of God and His almighty power and unfathomable wisdom.
When Zophar spoke these words to Job, we discover that He was under the false impression that he had access to the deep things of God and that he knew read more...
The book of Job opens by introducing a righteous man who lived in the land of Uz. He then undergoes a series of terrible calamities, in quick succession, that strip him of his wealth and noble position in society. He has to face the death of his ten adult children and his body is inflicted with painful sores. Job is unaware that a serious spiritual challenge concerning his faith in God, was taking place in heavenly realms.
Job was able to say with authority: "I know in Whom I have believed; I know that my Redeemer lives; I know that all the plans and promises of God will one day be fully realised." Job KNEW. Job had an assurance that what God had said, God would perform.
Job had no understanding of why his life was falling apart. He had no knowledge of the angelic conflict that was raging in the heavenlies. He was unaware that the life he lived, read more...
For multiple centuries, the words of Job have been a comfort to many who are passing through the fires of testing, for they contain deep truths that formulate the warp and weft of the tapestry that is being woven in the life of every believer. Not one of God's children is exempt from the tests and trials that overshadow the lives of all His children, and although the burdens that we are obligated to bear may seem to be of greater weight and of a steeper incline by read more...
Job is a book that lays out the incredible sufferings of a man who trusts God but cannot understand why he is having to go through so many hardships and calamities. The book is presented through an ongoing series of interactions between the suffering of Job and his so-called 'friends' or 'comforters'. These men do little to befriend the miserable man, and the only solace they offer is to falsely accuse him of sinning against God.
God's attributes speak for themselves and God needs no human witness to defend His cause or character, His words or His actions. The different comforters of Job had their own understanding and perceptions about God that had built up over time, some of which were correct but some of which denied God's goodness. The different comforters looked at the distresses that had overtaken this pitiable man and voiced their own thoughts, opinions, and reasons for his read more...
Job had been knocking on the door of heaven for answers to his questions, for a long time. He had experienced the most devastating loss of family and fortune, had been struck down with a most painful disease, and was accused by his friends, that his misfortune resulted from his own sinfulness – which he felt was a gross misrepresentation of his character and situation.
Job cried out for a Days-man. He wanted an Advocate, an Arbitrator, a Mediator Who read more...
It took Job some time to come to an understanding that he was indeed a guilty sinner, not for what he had done but for who he was, and that he had neither the cause nor the right to justify himself or to question the mighty hand of the omniscient and omnipotent God. For a time, all Job had was a shallow knowledge of God, but after his encounter with the Lord, he was given a deeper and more intimate awareness of Who God truly is.
The book of Job has been an inspiration and encouragement to many saints down through the ages who themselves have had to go through some terrible trials and horrific persecutions, as well as enduring the day to day problems that all humanity has to face in a fallen world where God has been rejected by the vast majority of mankind. Valuable lessons can be learned from Job's trials, even though the mystery of suffering is not totally fully understood by any of us. read more...