But he said to her, "You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?" In all this Job did not sin with his lips.
Job 2:10(NASB)
In chapter 1, we read of Satan's first, devastating attacks on Job's family, his fortune, and his standing in the community. Chapter 2 begins sometime after this with Job's second trial of faith. Once again, Satan presents himself before the Lord, Who permits this enemy of our soul to continue his evil assault on God's unsuspecting servant.
We are granted a little insight into the second dialogue between God and Satan. Satan falsely asserts that this distraught man remained true to his faith in God and held fast to his integrity for selfish reasons: "Skin for skin!" was Satan's scornful accusation, "a man will give up everything he owns in exchange for his life." A man will sacrifice sons, daughters, wealth, and reputation, in order to hold on to his life, was Satan's cruelly implied accusation.
As before, Satan was permitted to further afflict God's faithful servant: "Only spare his life," was the one condition. And as the scene changed from a conversation in heaven to his return to the earth, we read: "Satan smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head."
Job was so tormented by this additional affliction, and the pain was so intense, that the poor man took a piece of broken pottery to scrape the boils that covered his body, while he sat among the ashes in deep distress. No doubt Job's pain was extended further when the wife of his youth and mother of his ten, dead children said to him: "Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die!"
The pain and horror of all that had happened to Job, had also happened to his wife. She was also traumatised, but unlike her husband, her faith faltered as she watched the man she loved sitting in dust and ashes as a social outcast from their local community, scraping the boils on his flesh from morning to night. But Job said to her: "You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?" Throughout it all we read: "Job did not sin with his lips."
We do not know the interval of time between Job's two trials, but we do know that this wealthy man, who had been so blessed of God and who was held in high esteem by his neighbours, was reduced to the status of an unclean beggar overnight, which caused his wife's spirit and hope to be shattered.
Like Job, and all the friends that appeared on the scene, the doctrine of these people was flawed. They believed that God only rewarded righteous people and only wicked people were punished. But this is untrue, and as the story progresses we discover this attitude besmirches the name of the Lord Who is the Author of all that is good, for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and He sends rain on the just and the unjust.
Job's wife cracked under the stress, and she became bitter towards the Lord and showed contempt for her husband, which resulted in her ungodly suggestion to "curse God and die." No doubt she had rejoiced in the Lord for the many blessings He brought into their lives. No doubt she had been a virtuous wife, a good mother, a respected lady, and one that enjoyed the benefits she received through her highly esteemed husband.
But this woman was also spiritually naïve, and, like Job and his three friends, she was to gain a deeper insight into the character of God and wonder of His Person as Job's trial continued. Rather than retaining her integrity, she reacted foolishly and emotionally, allowing her feelings and circumstances to dictate what she said and how she acted, rather than maintaining her trust in God.
Although Job did not understand why this evil had befallen him, he did not sin with his lips and refused to blame God for his misfortune, unlike his undiscerning wife. Although he longed to have an opportunity to argue his case before God and plead his own righteousness to the Lord, Job had to be brought to an understanding that ALL our human righteousness is as filthy rags before the Lord.
Like Abraham, Job's faith in God was credited to him as righteousness, but there was another important lesson he was soon to learn. He was also to discover that God's grace is sufficient in the midst of trials and tribulation, for His grace is made perfect by our weakness.
Although Job longed to have a Mediator, a Days-man between man and God Who could arbitrate and argue his cause, we can rejoice that Jesus is our Mediator and we have been declared righteous by faith in Him. Jesus is our living Redeemer, and the righteousness with which we are clothed is a gift of God to men and women of faith - to those who trust in His name - to those who believe His WORD.
Heavenly Father, as I consider the story of Job, I begin to see that there are none that are righteous, not even one, and that only by faith in Your dearly beloved Son and His righteousness, can we be declared righteous in Your sight. Thank You that Jesus is our Kinsman-Redeemer, the Days-man for Whom Job longed, and our sacrifice for sin. Thank You for the lessons I can learn from every character in the book of Job. Help me to make the right choices in my life and to trust You, no matter what circumstances may arise. Keep me from speaking foolish words when faced with adversity, and thank You that Your grace is always sufficient. Help me to live by faith in Your Word and not to be swayed by sight or feelings, even when I don’t understand. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
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