Ruth Devotional Commentary

Ruth 1:1

Ruth 1:1

The story of Ruth has a wonderful ending which reminds us that we have a Kinsman-Redeemer Who was willing to lay down His life to make us His Bride. But the beginning of this well-loved narrative from Israel's historical record, serves to remind us that all too often we can ignore the many warnings that we receive to set our spiritual house in order, and that we should trust the Lord in every situation, however shocking, painful, distressing, or difficult it may read more...

Ruth 1:5

Ruth 1:5

The book of Ruth opens with the sad story of Naomi, who lived during the time of the Judges when everyone started to do what was right in their own eyes. Having wandered for 40 years in the wilderness, the nation of Israel crossed the River Jordan into the Promised Land, but time and again, God's people did evil in the sight of the Lord Who punished them for their ungodly ways and broken covenant.


Ruth 1:6

Ruth 1:6

Because of the spiritual poverty throughout the land of Israel, God sent a famine to admonish His people so they would turn to God and call for help. Instead of repenting and returning to the Lord, one man named Elimelech left his home in Bethlehem and took his family in search of a better life, in the pagan land of Moab.

Elimelech's death should have prompted his wife Naomi and his two sons to return to the land which God had read more...

Ruth 1:16

Ruth 1:16

Despite the discouraging words of her mother-in-law who was blaming God for her misfortune and wanted to change her name from Naomi (which means pleasant) to Mara (which means bitter), the young widow Ruth, who had experienced the self-same difficult problems and tragic loss, clung fast to Naomi and her people. Ruth remained devoted to the God of Israel in Whom this young Gentile woman had placed her eternal trust.

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Ruth 1:19

Ruth 1:19

Ruth is a story that turns from tragedy and disaster to triumph and delight. Elimelech and his wife, Naomi, chose to leave their homeland, which was ravaged by famine, and settle in foreign parts. They set out on their journey at a time in Israel's history when everyone did what was right in their own eyes, with little consideration for the will of God, and less desire to carry out His plans and purposes.

As the story unfolds, we

Ruth 2:2

Ruth 2:2

Ruth is a captivating story where extreme hardship caused two bereft widows to exercise faith in God. It is a true story that shows how the Lord graciously provided for them in many different ways, and testifies to His goodness and grace.

Not only does it provide a peep into Israel's past history and the interesting way provision was made for widows, orphans, and other impoverished people, but it provides a beautiful picture of read more...

Ruth 2:3

Ruth 2:3

God took steps to provide for His people from the beginning. He placed Adam and his wife in a beautiful garden. He sent a flood to protect Noah. He provided manna in the wilderness and water from the Rock for His people Israel, and He prepared the Seed of the woman - the promised Son of Abraham, Who would shed His blood as the purchase price for the sin of the whole world. 

One measure the Lord took to protect and provide for His read more...

Ruth 3:18

Ruth 3:18

The woman Ruth, is a most beautiful picture of the Church - as the Bride of Christ, and the man Boaz, is a stunning type of the Man, Christ Jesus - Who is our Lord and Kinsman-Redeemer, our precious Saviour and coming Bridegroom. 

Ruth was a Gentile woman, dead in trespasses and sins and at enmity with God. She was a poor widow, despised by the Israelites, with nothing to commend her. But she had come to know and trust the God read more...