Isaiah Devotional Commentary

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Isaiah 1:3

Isaiah 1:3

Of all the prophetic writings, Isaiah is one of the best loved books of the Bible. There are passages within its pages that contain detailed descriptions of Christ's suffering, sorrow, rejection, and death, as well as some beautiful illustrations of God's never-failing grace, His long-suffering mercy towards His people, Israel, and their final repentance and restoration.

However, here in his first few chapters, Isaiah uses some read more...

Isaiah 1:9

Isaiah 1:9

Much Old Testament writing pronounces judgement on apostate Israel and the surrounding pagan nations. But it also declares many gracious promises of restoration and renewal for the tiny body of Israelite believers who faithfully maintain their trust in God's Word and hold fast to their hope in Him.

The first chapter of Isaiah, makes some very serious accusations against unbelieving Israel because of their utter failure to adhere read more...

Isaiah 1:18

Isaiah 1:18

From their escape out of Egypt and throughout their long history, the children of Israel rebelled against the Lord. Isaiah was one of many prophets of God who was inspired to record their gross idolatry and ungodly ways and to express God's bitter indictment of His chosen nation. And yet he also wrote of God's long-suffering patience, His loving-kindness, and His never-failing tender-mercy towards His errant people.

Israel was

Isaiah 3:12

Isaiah 3:12

Although there are many prophetic passages that pronounce the punishment and terrible tribulation which Israel must one day experience because of their unbelief, there are also many sections in Scripture which speak of the blessings which God has promised His chosen nation, and the cleansing through which they must pass - but first they must turn from their sin and return to the God of their fathers.

The Lord chose Israel to be

Isaiah 6:1

Isaiah 6:1

Uzziah was a great king of Judah who battled the Philistines and tore down their cities. His fame spread throughout the land even to the entrance of Egypt! He grew very strong, erected many fine cities and towers, and even built up a formidable army which comprised 307,500 mighty warriors. Indeed, king Uzziah equipped his army with shields, spears, helmets, habergeons, bows, and slings to cast stones.

But because of His fame and

Isaiah 6:3

Isaiah 6:3

The most frequently used attribute of God found in the Old Testament refers to His holiness. Indeed, the seraphim cover their faces with their wings in awe and wonderment, as they cry: "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory." Similarly, in the New Testament we find the holiness of God the attribute extolled by the four living creatures, who cry day and night: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God read more...

Isaiah 6:8

Isaiah 6:8

Having recognised his shocking sinfulness and having had his filthy lips cleansed, the heavens were thrown open, and Isaiah the prophet gazed in awe and wonderment, on the magnificence of the holy temple of the Lord. Prostrating himself before the very throne of God, he said, with hushed words we all long to voice, yet often fail to utter, "Lord, here am I, send me."

It is the Lord God Almighty Who

Isaiah 6:9

Isaiah 6:9

In the year that king Uzziah died, Isaiah had a great vision of the glory, majesty, and holiness of the Lord. It not only caused him to recognise his own sinfulness and admit to his own foul speech and impure actions, but caused him to identify with his own people; a sinful nation with blackened hearts and unclean lips.

The contrast was so stark that Isaiah immediately repented of his wickedness: "Woe is me," he wept, read more...

Isaiah 7:14

Isaiah 7:14

Israel's apostacy had to be punished, and the prophets gave stern warnings of impending judgement with a call to national repentance, but God in His grace promised to save a small remnant, although the nation would have to pass through an extended period of fire and water and be dispersed among the nations.

God sent a message of hope to Israel despite their persistent unbelief and blasphemous idolatry: "The Lord read more...

Isaiah 9:2

Isaiah 9:2

Isaiah was called to prophesy of the great Deliverer Who would save His people from their sins. The people of Israel were steeped in apostasy and walking in darkness and gloom, but Isaiah spoke of a coming Messiah, Who would not only bring light with Him, but would be the Light of lights. He would be the Light of the world to the people who walked in darkness. He would give light to every man coming into the world.


Isaiah 9:6

Isaiah 9:6

The Saviour of the world was to be undiminished deity, eternally united with full humanity, in one Person; the Lord Jesus Christ. This astonishing prophecy in Isaiah confirms this fact in a few short words.

As a member of the human race, the Saviour was the firstBORN baby of the virgin Mary: "A Child is born," for He shall save His people from their sins. As the second member of read more...

Isaiah 11:11

Isaiah 11:11

Isaiah wrote about the time when the cruel king of Assyria would march against the northern kingdom of Israel and carry God's people away into captivity. Similarly, he talked of the time when the southern kingdom of Judah would be enslaved by the great Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar, and both events are recorded in the annals of history. However, in chapters 11 and 12, Isaiah writes of the coming Millennial kingdom of Christ and a second gathering of His people read more...

Isaiah 12:2

Isaiah 12:2

BEHOLD! Look! Take note! Think about and contemplate this glorious truth, "God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; For the LORD GOD is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation." God, the Lord Who covers Himself with light and rides upon the wings of the wind is my strength, my song and my Saviour.

Behold, the everlasting God Who declared, I AM that I AM, is the author and alpha, the read more...

Isaiah 14:12

Isaiah 14:12

The Word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between the soul and spirit, dividing between the joint and marrow, and it also often cuts between the spiritual and the physical, between past history and future prophecy, and the Word of God is also profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness.

And this passage, which starts with a

Isaiah 25:1

Isaiah 25:1

God has always had a remnant of believers who trust His Word, believe His promises, and give glory to His name, even when the experiences of the life and the ungodly behaviours of others seem to indicate the reverse.

Isaiah was warning of the coming great day of judgement, the great and terrible 'Day of the Lord' and 'Time of Jacob's Trouble', the coming Tribulation Period when God will pour out His wrath on a Christ rejecting read more...

Isaiah 25:9

Isaiah 25:9

The Day of the Lord is fast approaching when God is going to finalise His plans and purposes for the world through His chosen people. In that day, the nation of Israel will repent of their sin, recognise their folly, return to the Lord God of their fathers, and call out to their Messiah for salvation.

They will cry out in glorious unison: "Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest." The read more...

Isaiah 26:3

Isaiah 26:3

In Isaiah 26, we see the prophet rehearsing a song of trust in the provision of God. He sings of how God will restore Israel, who will once again walk in righteousness and peace. After the coming judgement for their sin, a day will dawn when Israel will be redeemed and restored, and they will walk in the paths of righteousness and be covered with God's blanket of peace, for when the eyes of the heart are focused on the Lord, His perfect peace stills the soul and read more...

Isaiah 26:4

Isaiah 26:4

Peace is what people have yearned for down through the ages, and in this passage of scripture the nation of Israel has just been given a glorious promise from God of His perfect peace - if only their minds are stayed on Him.

A little earlier in his prophecies to Israel, Isaiah called to their remembrance that God is their refuge and strength in every trial they face, and their everlasting Rock in the storms of life. He also read more...

Isaiah 26:9

Isaiah 26:9

In Revelation we read that, "Jesus is the spirit of prophecy," and here in Isaiah, we discover some amazing prophecies that relate to Christ's triumphant reign in the coming Millennial Kingdom.

On that day, we read that all believing Israel will be saved and in this passage, Isaiah gives an amazing testimony of that still-future time. He describes the worship and witness of a restored and converted Israel, when the earth read more...

Isaiah 26:12

Isaiah 26:12

Apart from a brief section outlining the miraculous conception and birth of their Messiah, the coming Millennial Kingdom of Christ, and God's urgent call for Israel to cleanse their idolatrous ways, the prophet Isaiah pronounced God's severe judgements on numerous nations and cities, including his own people.

After many chapters of judgement, we arrive at a lovely section of blessings where Israel will sing a song of praise to the read more...

Isaiah 28:5

Isaiah 28:5

The prophets of old wrote of the coming Messiah Who would fight for Israel in their hour of greatest need, crush their enemies, set up His kingdom in the holy city of Jerusalem, seated on the throne of His father David. And yet the same prophets foretold that He be wounded for their transgressions, bruised for their iniquities, and would die a criminal's death before rising from the dead.

The prophets of old did not see the

Isaiah 28:12

Isaiah 28:12

Isaiah was sent by the Lord to minister to Israel. His mission was to point out their gross apostasy and encourage them to change their ways while warning them of the consequences that would follow, if they failed to repent of their sins and return to the Lord their God.

In this section before us, Isaiah had already prophesied of the coming Saviour Who would deliver them out of the hands of their enemies. He declared terrible read more...

Isaiah 28:15

Isaiah 28:15

Centuries of rebellion and idolatry dictated that God's chosen nation of Israel had to be punished because of sin and they would be taken into captivity until the time of the end. Isaiah's prolonged ministry gave details of how the Lord was to bring in a period of time; 'The Times of the Gentiles' during which Gentile nations would become supreme on earth, subjugate Israel, and govern the world, until God's people, as a nation, repent of their sin.


Isaiah 29:14

Isaiah 29:14

Isaiah was one of many prophets that warned the nation of Israel of their apostasy towards God. But despite this spiritual apostasy and indifference towards their God, He promised His wayward nation (who were soon to face severe judgement), that the day would come when He would once again deal marvellously with them. He promised that He would perform many wonderful works and glorious signs, through their promised Redeemer. But the ways of God are very different read more...

Isaiah 30:14

Isaiah 30:14

Although Isaiah described the rebellion of the people of Israel in the early verses of this chapter, and how they turned back to Egypt for succour and strength instead of looking to the Lord their God, we as the Body of Christ can learn some important lessons and apply its vital truths to our own lives, in this Church dispensation.

How foolish we are when we seek relief in the things of this world and turn to fleshly pursuits to read more...

Isaiah 30:18

Isaiah 30:18

The ongoing rebellion and apostasy of Israel is astonishing in consideration of all that the Lord did for His chosen nation. Despite the covenant that God made with His people and in spite of the many precious promises He gave them, they seemed intent on defying their Lord and turning their back on the grace He continuously showered on them.

Time and again, they relied on their own strength instead of trusting in the Lord their read more...

Isaiah 30:21

Isaiah 30:21

We have a wonderful God and throughout His Word we see over and again His loving-kindness, tender-mercies, and patient-endurance ever flowing out to His children and guiding us along the right pathway. We do not deserve it but He is true to His word and has promised never to leave us and always to lead and guide us in the way we should go, even during those times when we prove faithless – even on those occasions when we deliberately disobey Him or try to work read more...

Isaiah 32:2

Isaiah 32:2

From the fall of man in Genesis... to God's promise of restoration in Malachi, we see the unfolding story of God's wonderful redemptive plan in Old Testament Scriptures.

From the Seed of the woman with its promise of salvation... to God's own little 'book of remembrance,' and His pledge to judge the world in righteousness, the focus of our attention throughout the Old Testament Scripture is always centred on Christ, the hope of read more...

Isaiah 32:17

Isaiah 32:17

Israel were the people of God, whom He called into a covenant relationship with Himself to be a light to the Gentiles. And although they broke their covenant, despised their birthright, murmured against God, disobeyed His Law, and played the harlot with the false gods of the surrounding, pagan, Gentile nations, the Lord is gracious and good - He is merciful and of great kindness to His people, Israel.

But God is also a God of

Isaiah 38:14

Isaiah 38:14

The deep and ongoing distress of Hezekiah the king is indeed heart-rending and pitiful and likened, not only to the continuous twittering of a swallow, flying hither and thither on its perpetual wings, but also to the sad and plaintive cry of a solitary dove, that is grieving for its mate.

The king here bemoans the desperation and despair of his heart when he discovered he was to set his house in order – for God had scheduled read more...

Isaiah 40:3

Isaiah 40:3

In one sense, all the Old Testament prophets were voices crying in the wilderness. Each one was a mouthpiece of God, who was calling out a message of repentance and hope in a desert place - in order to clear the way for the Lord and to straighten the highway for the God of Israel.

For centuries, the united message of these faithful men was to call the nation of Israel to repent of their sins, to turn away from their apostate ways, read more...

Isaiah 40:5

Isaiah 40:5

God's message of grace and comfort towards His people, weaves its way throughout the Scriptures like a golden thread. It mingles with the blood-red stream that flows from the veins of God's only begotten Son Who alone could pay the enormous price for the sin of the world by shedding His lifeblood on our account.

But first, the eternal Son of God must be born into the human race as the perfect Son of Man. God the Son, must first set aside His glory and be read more...

Isaiah 40:8

Isaiah 40:8

Comparisons, contrasts, metaphors, and similes are all used by God to get a point across to His listeners or to teach those, who are justified by faith, an important biblical fact. However, when the Lord God reiterates a truth, it is because He wants to emphasise a matter and we would do well to listen to the Word of the Lord and to read, mark, learn, inwardly digest, and take to heart all that He has to teach us and to apply it in our life.

It was the

Isaiah 40:11

Isaiah 40:11

A parallel has often been drawn between the 66 chapters of Isaiah and the 66 books of the Bible, which demonstrate an astonishing similarity where each chapter in Isaiah corresponds with its numerical equivalent in the Bible.

The theme of the first 39 chapters seems to thread its way from the formless earth and fallen man; dead in sins, estranged from God, and steeped in apostasy, as recorded in the Old Testament. The 27 chapters read more...

Isaiah 40:26

Isaiah 40:26

The 66 chapters of Isaiah divide into two distinct sections. While the first part of his prophecy deals mainly with issues relating to Israel, their apostasy, the hardening of their heart towards the Lord, and His coming judgement (on them and other nations), chapter 40 onwards speaks words of comfort to God's people and tells of Israel's future deliverance.

The early part of this second section teaches about God's amazing grace read more...

Isaiah 40:28

Isaiah 40:28

Israel continually sinned and rebelled against their covenant-keeping God through unbelief, and in their foolishness thought that God did not see their wickedness. And so, Isaiah wrote almost 40 chapters of reproof for their unbelief and asked: "Do you not know? Have you not heard? the Everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable." The rebellious and complaining read more...

Isaiah 40:29

Isaiah 40:29

Despite his blistering denunciation of the apostate ways of God's chosen people and in spite of the prophet Isaiah's grave warning regarding God's impending wrath and the inevitable punishment that must follow God's disobedient people, we discover that the Lord is gracious towards His chosen nation, Israel, and offers them beautiful words of comfort, encouragement, renewal, and pardon.

Despite their rebellious ways, the prophet

Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 40:31

Whether the promises of God are for Israel or given to the Church, God's Word is true. His judgements are just, and His promises are "yes" and "amen" for those that believe His Word, wait on Him, and abide in Him.

At the end of Isaiah Chapter 40, we read some well-loved verses that have encouraged generations of Jews and Gentiles, through many centuries of time: "Youths may faint and grow weary, and young men stumble read more...

Isaiah 41:10

Isaiah 41:10

It has been said that the comforting words 'Fear Not' appear in the bible 366 times, one for each day of the year plus one for leap year. But no matter how many times these cheering words of encouragement appear, let us always remember that they are spoken by the Creator of the Universe to His people. He is the One Who tells His children not to fear because He can still the raging storm and heal the brokenhearted. 

He is the

Isaiah 42:3

Isaiah 42:3

Some of the most beautiful and moving descriptions of the Lord Jesus are found in the writings of Isaiah, the prophet. In chapter 42, the Lord God speaks of Jesus as His Servant Whom He upholds and in Whom He delights. We read of His gentle character, godly conduct, compassionate nature, and lowly actions. We hear that the Spirit of God is upon Him and that He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles as well as to the Jews. 


Isaiah 42:10

Isaiah 42:10

The promised Messiah is the chosen servant of the Lord. He is the subject of these verses in Isaiah, gentle and kind. He will not break a bruised reed, nor will He quench a flickering candle.

The Seed of the woman is the Son of Righteousness. He is the focus of this hymn of praise, for God has promised that He would come to open the eyes of the blind, to release the prisoner from the darkest dungeon, to be a shining light to read more...

Isaiah 43:1

Isaiah 43:1

Despite Israel's unbelief and apostasy God has never forsaken His people, and we read of many instances where God told them not to fear, that He was with them, that they were His people and He was their God.

And this promise to the Jewish nation is equally relevant to Church age believers, for we too have been created by the Lord. We are a new creation in Christ, read more...

Isaiah 43:2

Isaiah 43:2

The Lord has promised never to leave us nor forsake us, no matter what life may throw at us. We are redeemed by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. We have been bought with a price, we belong to the Father and His favour is upon all His children. He has promised to cover us with His gentle calm and protect us by His perfect peace, when our hearts rest in Him.


Isaiah 43:10

Isaiah 43:10

Isaiah moved from warnings of imminent punishment for the unrepentant masses of apostates and blessings for a believing remnant in chapters 1-39, to future prophecies of comfort and hope, with deliverance and national restoration for those who believe, in chapters 40-66. The second part of Isaiah looks into the distant future with promises of a coming Saviour, while the earlier chapters deal mainly with the Assyrian and Babylonian exiles.


Isaiah 43:21

Isaiah 43:21

What a wonderful example of God’s loving-kindness and gracious patience towards His people is discovered in the pages of Isaiah, and what graphic details are painted of Jesus, the suffering Servant, Who was despised and rejected of men. What a poignant portrait of the sinless Lamb of God Who was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities so that He could die an ignominious death as the sacrifice for our sin.


Isaiah 43:25

Isaiah 43:25

Too often throughout their history, the people of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord and in His justice, God was required to carry out the serious consequences of their sin. But despite His legitimate case against His chosen people, in His righteous wrath God, as always, remembers mercy, and so we read: "I, even I, am the One who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake, and I will remember your sins no more."


Isaiah 44:6

Isaiah 44:6

There could hardly be a more emphatic proclamation that God is God and there is no other, nor could there be a stronger statement that He will not share any of His glory with man or angel, nor any other created being.

In spite of the apostasy of Israel and despite their fawning after the idols of their neighbouring nations, God reaffirms His unique, sovereign status and distinctive holy character, by the declaration that He is read more...

Isaiah 45:21

Isaiah 45:21

Although the earlier chapters of Isaiah declare judgement on the ungodly pagan nations of the world for their evil ways and pronounce a series of 'woes' on the people of Israel because of their broken covenant, God also proclaimed deliverance upon His people and promised to send His chosen Servant to rescue them from their enemies.

Despite Isaiah's warnings about the Day of the Lord's judgement and His righteous vengeance on all read more...

Isaiah 45:22

Isaiah 45:22

Israel are God's chosen people, to whom belongs the adoption as sons, the glory of God, and His covenants. To them was given the Law, the Temple service, and His precious promises. And through this special nation was to be born the Messiah Who would save His people from their sin and bring in everlasting righteousness for all people.

As God's chosen nation, they were to tell the good news of the Saviour to a lost and dying world. read more...

Isaiah 45:23

Isaiah 45:23

Israel broke their covenant with God. They followed after idols instead of remaining true to their Lord. They were His chosen people, but did not carry out His instructions to be a light to the Gentiles or to tell the nations that God is the eternal Lord, the great Creator of the heavens, and He formed the earth.

As well as bringing God's punishment upon themselves because of their sinful idolatry, Israel refused to share the good news of salvation, as read more...

Isaiah 46:4

Isaiah 46:4

It has always been a great comfort for believers to realise that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and that the Lord knows us before we are born, for He forms us in our mother's womb. Indeed, He has scheduled every day of our lives, watches over our every movement, and faithfully remains with us, even when we wander far away from Him.

But this verse assures us that it is not only our early years about which the Lord is read more...

Isaiah 48:17

Isaiah 48:17

The Lord, the Holy One of Israel, Who rescued His people from enslavement in Egypt, is the same Almighty God Who graciously redeemed us from the slave-market of sin, when we first believed. "Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, 'I am the LORD your God, Who teaches you to profit, Who leads you in the way you should go.'"

He is the One Who promised to teach Israel those things that read more...

Isaiah 49:5

Isaiah 49:5

Throughout the Old Testament, the Messiah of Israel is portrayed in two very distinct roles: 1) the suffering Servant of God and 2) the conquering King of Israel. They identify the Saviour in two contrasting ways: 1) the son of Joseph and 2) the son of David. But here in this forty-ninth chapter of Isaiah, we take a glimpse into one small aspect of the rejection, humiliation, and pain of the suffering Servant, the Holy One of Israel. He was anointed by God to be read more...

Isaiah 49:15

Isaiah 49:15

This verse picturing a mother with her nursing baby in her arms being soothed and comforted by her gentle cooing and light caresses, presents such a beautifully comforting picture of our own Heavenly Father Whose gentle entreaties to us calm our every fear and provide, generously and willingly, for our every need.

The stark truth is that much of today's mother-love is far from that which is mirrored in this touching picture – read more...

Isaiah 51:1

Isaiah 51:1

There was no more blessed nation that the little nation of Israel, for God had chosen their forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to be the patriarchs of the nation to whom was given the holy Scriptures and through whom the Saviour of mankind was to be born.

It is hard to understand why a nation that was so blessed would turn aside from the God of their fathers and fall into such gross apostasy, and yet how reflective this is of read more...

Isaiah 51:12

Isaiah 51:12

How often do we look at the difficulties in life and the people that threaten us with pain and problems, and start to sink into an abyss of fear, a seemingly bottomless pit of terror of the shocking things of which we know that fallen man is capable?

Our home and happiness come under threat, our comfort and character are the target of their fierce arrows, our family and friends, our safety and security, and even our work and read more...

Isaiah 52:13

Isaiah 52:13

Tracing the history of God's people from their world-wide dispersion due to their unfaithfulness to God, we arrive at a beautiful passage that begins to peep behind the scene onto the perfect plan of the Father, as He unveils their Messiah - the Lord Jesus Christ - the sin-bearing sacrifice for Israel and humble Saviour of the whole world.

The day is fast approaching when the One Who was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for read more...

Isaiah 53:2

Isaiah 53:2

This beautiful passage in Isaiah chapter 53 is beloved by all who have trusted Christ for salvation. It is a wonderful truth that confounds our understanding and belies the credibility of man, that God in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ should come to earth and die on the Cross to pay the price for our sins.

It staggers the mortal mind to realise that for our well-being He was despised and rejected of men, and for our sake read more...

Isaiah 53:3

Isaiah 53:3

The very focus of this passage in Isaiah 53 is the beating heart of the gospel of Christ Jesus Who was sent by God to be the Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the whole world.

Jesus was the One Who was despised and rejected of all men. He was a suffering servant, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, and yet before we were saved by grace through faith in Him we just couldn't care less. We who were born dead in trespasses and read more...

Isaiah 53:4

Isaiah 53:4

Christ's sacrificial work on the Cross at Calvary, which includes His substitutionary death, burial, and Resurrection as laid out in Scripture, is the single most spectacular event that has ever taken place in time and into eternity, for by it, God opened up the way of salvation for whosoever will believe on the name of the only begotten Son of God. Hallelujah, what a Saviour!

The Son of God came to earth to reclaim ruined sinners read more...

Isaiah 53:5

Isaiah 53:5

For all of us who have trusted Christ as Saviour, these poignant words can pierce our own hearts as we begin to understand that the sinless Son of God was willingly afflicted, bruised, pierced, and crushed with wounds that we merit. He died a death that we deserve, as the burden of our sin was laid upon the sinless Son of Man, our Kinsman-Redeemer.

The Lord Jesus suffered cruel treatment and gave up His life willingly so that all read more...

Isaiah 53:6

Isaiah 53:6

Sheep are fascinating animals, and studying their characteristics, it is easy to see why the Lord used them in His word pictures and parables, and how their behaviour can mimic ours. Sheep are timid, easily panicked, more comfortable in a flock, have no means of self-defence, extremely helpless, and need the most care of all livestock - completely reliant on the shepherd caring for them. They are also known to be dim-witted, empty-headed, and gullible and it is read more...

Isaiah 53:7

Isaiah 53:7

When Adam sinned, it was an innocent animal that God slew to cover their nakedness, but the blood of bulls and sheep can only cover sin. It can never take away the sin that stains man's soul and separates fallen humanity from a holy God. From the beginning, God decreed that only the shed blood of a sinless human being who would willingly give up his own sinless life as the ransom price for humanities transgressions, would be sufficient to appease an angry God and read more...

Isaiah 53:10

Isaiah 53:10

I have heard foolish people accuse God of carelessness and brutality because He sent His only begotten Son to die on the Cross. I have even heard God being accused of child-abuse because it pleased Him to crush the Lord Jesus and to expose His Son to a difficult life of accusations, ridicule, hatred, and a cruel death of betrayal, ignominy, and rejection.

But what manner of love the Father demonstrated in that He chose to subject read more...

Isaiah 54:5

Isaiah 54:5

Isaiah, with it sixty-six chapters, has often been called a mini-bible. The first thirty-nine chapters correspond to the Old Testament and describe Israel's apostasy. These chapters warn of her impending punishment if she does not turn from her idolatrous ways, back to the Lord God of Israel. They also list the many warnings of judgement and destruction that will befall the different nations that have risen up in defiance of God, as well as impending judgement read more...

Isaiah 54:17

Isaiah 54:17

Our confidence rests upon the sure promises of our all-powerful God Who reminds us throughout His Word, that He is the Almighty, Sovereign Ruler of the universe, and has given us His assurance that no weapon, whether physical or spiritual, will prosper against His blood-bought children.

Our trust is in the God of our salvation, for He has given us His assurance that every accusing tongue will be silenced, and every judgemental read more...

Isaiah 55:1

Isaiah 55:1

In the first section of Isaiah, we find the nation of Israel being told that God is going to judge their enemies, but He is also going to punish His people if they refuse to turn away from their wicked ways and return to the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Isaiah was one of many prophets who called for Israel to renounce their apostate ways and return to following the Lord in the beauty of holiness, but they refused to read more...

Isaiah 55:8

Isaiah 55:8

Too often, we try to second-guess God and venture to predict or anticipate what He is doing or what He we imagine He ought to be doing. Too frequently, we create in our minds an unreal God, made in our own image and likeness, instead of realising that we are made in His image and likeness. We forget that He is the eternal God and universal Creator Whose works and ways are beyond our limited comprehension, while we are temporal creatures, fallen men, a dying race read more...

Isaiah 55:11

Isaiah 55:11

God speaks lovingly and truthfully to His people, and in Isaiah 55, He desires that they come to Him and be restored back into His grace and favour. He longs to bestow His righteous blessings upon His people, Israel. He invites them to come and partake of His unconditional salvation. The Lord offers all those who are weary, heavy-laden, hungry and in need of refreshment to come to Him and drink of His gracious provision, at no cost and without money.


Isaiah 57:15

Isaiah 57:15

So superior and elevated is the eternal Creator and Lord of the universe, that He is the most highly exalted personage, standing in contradistinction to humanity and all the created heavenly hosts. No thought or action from man or the angelic realm can confound the mind of God. Nothing can take Him by surprise, for He is the One Who fills all in all.

He identifies Himself as the great and exalted One Who lives forever and Whose read more...

Isaiah 58:8

Isaiah 58:8

The two Testaments of the Bible are so closely interrelated that it has been said of Scripture: "The New is in the Old concealed, and the Old is in the New revealed." The content, message, progression, and information contained within the Old, often lays the foundation for its fulfilment in the New, where it is often expanded, explained, illuminated, revealed, or fulfilled in the Person and Work of Christ Jesus.


Isaiah 58:11

Isaiah 58:11

The book of Isaiah is predominantly written to the people of Israel and takes them on the journey of God's redemptive plan, where the increasingly apostate nation is called to repent of their sins and return to the Lord their God. They are reminded that a Messiah is coming, but unless they repent of their sin, their continuing apostasy would seal their exile from the land that was given to their forefather, Abraham.


Isaiah 59:2

Isaiah 59:2

There is no standing still in the Christian life. Either one is growing in grace and drawing closer to the Lord in humbleness of spirit and obedience to God's Word, OR one starts to regress into spiritual infancy through unbelief, disobedience, and fleshly carnality. We are either spiritual Christians who are maturing in the faith, OR we are carnal believers whose spiritual growth is being stunted. Israel gives us a stark reminder that disobedience has read more...

Isaiah 61:1

Isaiah 61:1

This glorious prophecy of Christ's Messianic appointment openly displays the triune Godhead: "The Holy SPIRIT of Israel's Lord GOD Almighty rests upon ME." And in the Gospels, we see a beautiful fulfilment of this verse where the Lord Jesus Christ, as Israel's appointed Messiah King, went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, as was his custom. There, He stood up, unrolled the scroll of the prophet Isaiah, and found the place where it was written: read more...

Isaiah 61:10

Isaiah 61:10

It is Israel that is seen greatly rejoicing in this prophetic verse: "I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels."

It is the little remnant of

Isaiah 63:1

Isaiah 63:1

There is great comfort for the people of Israel (and for all the children of God) in the book of Isaiah, for despite Israel's rebellion against the Lord and the crucifixion of their promised Messiah, God has declared that He will not forsake His people, their iniquity would be forgiven, and their sin would be remembered no more. Isaiah's comforting words tell of a future glory in Zion, for the Deliverer will come with healing on His wings to set up His eternal read more...

Isaiah 64:1

Isaiah 64:1

In this passage, the little remnant of Israel were recalling the faithfulness of God and the wonderful way He led His people in the wilderness. They remembered His compassionate mercy and long-suffering kindness, when their forefathers were subjugated in the land of Egypt and the Lord redeemed them from the hand of their enemy. The grief they were currently going through was translated into a prayerful petition.

Their prayer began

Isaiah 64:8

Isaiah 64:8

The Lord created man in His own image. He built, made, and formed man after His own likeness. Humanity, though a fallen race, has its root in the Almighty Creator, and we can trace our beginnings back through Noah, to Seth the son of Adam, the son of God - the federal head of the human race.

God did not give up on His prideful, rebellious, disobedient creation, but in His omniscience knew that we would fall. And so He perfected read more...

Isaiah 64:12

Isaiah 64:12

God is always faithful. His promises are sure and His mercies are new every morning, but His ways are not our ways and His timings rarely fit in with our hopeful expectations. The Lord is true to His Word and His promises never fail, but things rarely happen the way that we expect. The Lord is merciful and His Word is true, but His appointed times rarely take place at the moment we would like.

But throughout Israel's chequered

Isaiah 65:24

Isaiah 65:24

The book of Isaiah takes us from the judgement of God's sinful people, through the millennial reign of Christ, and into the creation of a new heaven and a new earth. It describes God's denunciation of Israel for her sin and His judgement of the surrounding, godless nations. It speaks of deliverance, pardon, comfort, and restoration, and tells of the rejection of their Messiah; the suffering Servant of God, and the amazing sacrifice of Himself for sin.


Isaiah 66:13

Isaiah 66:13

Isaiah means 'Yahweh Saves' and this beautiful book was written long before the Jewish people were exiled from their land, due to ongoing unbelief. This prophetic book is often described as a 'mini Bible' because the outline of its 66 chapters seems to mirror the same progression of God's unfolding plan of redemption through the entire 66 books of Scripture.

Isaiah gave many warnings to apostate Israel to repent of their spiritual read more...