Isaiah 53 Devotional Commentary

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Isaiah 53:2

Isaiah 53:2

This beautiful passage in Isaiah chapter 53 is beloved by all who have trusted Christ for salvation. It is a wonderful truth that confounds our understanding and belies the credibility of man, that God in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ should come to earth and die on the Cross to pay the price for our sins.

It staggers the mortal mind to realise that for our well-being He was despised and rejected of men, and for our sake read more...

Isaiah 53:3

Isaiah 53:3

The very focus of this passage in Isaiah 53 is the beating heart of the gospel of Christ Jesus Who was sent by God to be the Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the whole world.

Jesus was the One Who was despised and rejected of all men. He was a suffering servant, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, and yet before we were saved by grace through faith in Him we just couldn't care less. We who were born dead in trespasses and read more...

Isaiah 53:4

Isaiah 53:4

Christ's sacrificial work on the Cross at Calvary, which includes His substitutionary death, burial, and Resurrection as laid out in Scripture, is the single most spectacular event that has ever taken place in time and into eternity, for by it, God opened up the way of salvation for whosoever will believe on the name of the only begotten Son of God. Hallelujah, what a Saviour!

The Son of God came to earth to reclaim ruined sinners read more...

Isaiah 53:5

Isaiah 53:5

For all of us who have trusted Christ as Saviour, these poignant words can pierce our own hearts as we begin to understand that the sinless Son of God was willingly afflicted, bruised, pierced, and crushed with wounds that we merit. He died a death that we deserve, as the burden of our sin was laid upon the sinless Son of Man, our Kinsman-Redeemer.

The Lord Jesus suffered cruel treatment and gave up His life willingly so that all read more...

Isaiah 53:6

Isaiah 53:6

Sheep are fascinating animals, and studying their characteristics, it is easy to see why the Lord used them in His word pictures and parables, and how their behaviour can mimic ours. Sheep are timid, easily panicked, more comfortable in a flock, have no means of self-defence, extremely helpless, and need the most care of all livestock - completely reliant on the shepherd caring for them. They are also known to be dim-witted, empty-headed, and gullible and it is read more...

Isaiah 53:7

Isaiah 53:7

When Adam sinned, it was an innocent animal that God slew to cover their nakedness, but the blood of bulls and sheep can only cover sin. It can never take away the sin that stains man's soul and separates fallen humanity from a holy God. From the beginning, God decreed that only the shed blood of a sinless human being who would willingly give up his own sinless life as the ransom price for humanities transgressions, would be sufficient to appease an angry God and read more...

Isaiah 53:10

Isaiah 53:10

I have heard foolish people accuse God of carelessness and brutality because He sent His only begotten Son to die on the Cross. I have even heard God being accused of child-abuse because it pleased Him to crush the Lord Jesus and to expose His Son to a difficult life of accusations, ridicule, hatred, and a cruel death of betrayal, ignominy, and rejection.

But what manner of love the Father demonstrated in that He chose to subject read more...