Isaiah with it sixty-six chapters has often been called a mini-bible. The first thirty-nine chapters correspond to the Old Testament and describes Israel's apostasy. It warns of her impending punishment if she does not turn from her idolatrous ways, back to the Lord God of Israel. It also lists the many warnings of judgement and destruction that will befall the different nations that have risen up in defiance of God - as well as impending judgement against His read more...
Our confidence rests upon the sure promises of our all-powerful God Who reminds us throughout His Word, that He is the Almighty, Sovereign Ruler of the universe, and has given us His assurance that no weapon, whether physical or spiritual, will prosper against His blood-bought children.
Our trust is in the God of our salvation, for He has given us His assurance that every accusing tongue will be silenced, and every judgemental read more...