1 Chronicles Devotional Commentary

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1 Chronicles 7:14

1 Chronicles 7:14

As Church-age believers we have the incredible privilege of access to the throne of grace for mercy to find help in time of need. Prayer for ourselves, our families, our leaders and nation, and intercession for the lost is important, but it is also vital to understand the Bible in its correct historical context. And this verse is often quoted outside its true Biblical setting.

These were words spoken by the great king Solomon who read more...

1 Chronicles 16:10

1 Chronicles 16:10

The Lord is glorified in the praise and worship of His people, and what joy and rejoicing there was on this momentous day of great gladness in the city of the God when the Ark of the Covenant was finally brought back into the midst of His people, after decades of absence.

During Israel's long spiritual decline, the commands of God had been set aside, and for the last twenty years of king Saul's reign, the ark had been all but read more...

1 Chronicles 16:31

1 Chronicles 16:31

It was David who called on heaven above and the earth beneath to unite their voices in a glorious melody of harmonic praise to the one eternal God. "Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice. And let them say among the nations, 'the Lord God reigns.'" David instructed the angelic host in heaven and the people on the earth, to rejoice in the Lord, when the Ark of the Lord was returned to Jerusalem.

The Ark

1 Chronicles 29:11

1 Chronicles 29:11

Although it was the great king Solomon whom God appointed to build the Holy Temple of the Lord, it was David who had the vision to assemble a House for God. David gave generously toward this project, and the hearts of the people were moved to give freely of their goods for this great undertaking. In the midst of much rejoicing and great joy, David made all the necessary preparations for the building of the House of the Lord.