Micah Devotional Commentary

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Micah 1:2

Micah 1:2

Although he delivered a message of judgement to the people of Israel because of their ongoing rebellious idolatry, Micah also foretold of Israel's final restoration and the many blessings they would enjoy, once they repented of their national sin and returned to the God of their forefathers.

The Lord had entered into a conditional covenant with Israel at Mount Sinai, but the people broke their promises and Micah appears as a read more...

Micah 4:1

Micah 4:1

Amidst his warnings against being misled by ungodly rulers, downtrodden by greedy politicians or enticed away from the truth of God's Word by false prophets and unholy priests - Micah was a man who had deep sympathy for the downtrodden people of Israel.

Amidst his predictions of doom for Israel's wealthy oppressors.. and his denunciation of their ungodly leaders and covetous clerics, Micah gave a wonderful description of Israel's read more...

Micah 4:2

Micah 4:2

When Christ returns to earth to rule and reign as God's appointed King of all kings, there will be blessings for many nations. There are prophetic writings that foretell the terrible time of Jacob's Trouble and the judgement that will come upon those who reject God's offer of salvation, but there are also many passages that teach of wonderful kingdom blessings that will accompany the millennial rule of Christ.

The book of Micah,

Micah 4:3

Micah 4:3

The first half of Micah, warns of God's wrath against Judah and Israel because of their sin. Micah denounced their ungodly rulers, false prophets, and rogue priests, but also predicted the doom of the wealthy nations that oppressed His people. How sad that God's chosen nation broke their covenant with the Lord and did so much evil in His sight. Yet by God's grace, their stumbling has brought salvation to the Gentiles.


Micah 5:2

Micah 5:2

God is faithful to His people, Israel, even when they go astray and despite their prolonged rebellion against their long-suffering, covenant-keeping God. He remains faithful to His erring children for He promised to send a Kinsman-Redeemer Who would save His people from their sins. And the birth place of their Messiah was identified as Bethlehem - Ephratah - the little town of David.

God's Word speaks history into being, years

Micah 5:4

Micah 5:4

Although Micah is considered a minor prophet, he thunders a powerful message to the nation of Israel, which contains important truths and significant lessons for all of us to learn.

Micah gives a chilling lament of approaching judgement, outlining the inevitable dispersions that would shortly overtake both the northern and southern kingdoms of Israel. He identifies the sins of the people, the oppression of the poor by the greedy, read more...

Micah 6:8

Micah 6:8

It was through the perfect Law of Moses that God showed mankind what is good and acceptable in His sight. Mankind was to reverence the Lord, walk in faithful obedience to Him, love Him, and humbly serve Him with all their heart and soul. But the sin nature in man that was imputed to the human race when Adam disobeyed God, caused man to walk in enmity towards God in disobedience, and to place self on the throne of his life, instead of the Lord.


Micah 7:7

Micah 7:7

In so much of the Word of God, we discover the little word BUT. This tiny conjunction joins two thoughts together through stark contrast. Often we read of the foolishness, fretfulness, disobedience, and rebellion of sinful man, but then in contrast we read of the faithfulness, graciousness, and long-suffering of the Lord.

Joshua challenged Israel with his contrasting choices: "Choose you this day whom read more...

Micah 7:14

Micah 7:14

God has so often been portrayed as the faithful Shepherd of His people and in his prayer to the holy One of Israel, Micah is asking the Lord to continue to feed His flock, and to graciously shepherd His chosen people. Micah knows that Israel is God's precious possession, and despite their rebellion and disobedience, Micah's request is that God will restore them and provide for them.. as He did in former years.

He prays that God

Micah 7:18

Micah 7:18

God has not finished with Israel as many erroneously teach, despite the fact that for hundreds of centuries they have rebelled against their God as a nation. Micah was one of a company of God's prophets who forewarned of terrible judgement to come. Israel had followed in the footsteps of the godless Gentile nations and become proud and covetous. They had forsaken the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Who had promised them glorious blessing if they would walk in His read more...