What Does Job 11:7 Mean?

Can you fathom the depths of God or discover the limits of the Almighty?

Job 11:7(HCSB)

Verse of the Day

Throughout the book of Job, we hear his continuous, bitter complaints, which expose a heart of pride and spirit of self-satisfaction. We also observe the misguided accusations of each of Job's friends and their utter ignorance of God and His almighty power and unfathomable wisdom.

When Zophar spoke these words to Job, we discover that He was under the false impression that he had access to the deep things of God and that he knew all there was to know of God, giving him free rein to accuse his friend. He also thought that Job possessed none of these spiritual qualities. But Zophar's spiritual pride, his ill-founded accusations against his friend, and Job's own bitter complaints, demonstrated that both men were ignorance of God's ways and God's righteousness which is beyond man's comprehension.

Sadly, today there is much criticism of Christians by other believers, many of whom seem to consider that they have an exclusive knowledge of God, a unique revelation from Him, and that they alone hold the key to understanding the deep things of God.

But what God requires of all His children is that we trust Him fully, walk humbly before Him, depend entirely upon Him, and willingly submit to His leading and guiding, even when we do not understand the reason for the difficulties that surround us or the circumstances that seem destined to overwhelm our soul: "For who can fathom the deep things of God or measure the limits of His power."

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, forgive me for my bitter complaints, my prideful thoughts, and my criticism of others. Above all, I ask Your forgiveness for my lack of understanding of Your almighty power and unfathomable wisdom. I pray that You would open my spiritual eyes of understanding so that I may know You more and love you better. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

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