Psalm 4 Devotional Commentary

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  • Psalm 4
Psalm 4:6

Psalm 4:6

We live in a fallen world that was a result of man's sin. The earth was cursed, man died spiritually, and for a brief season, Satan has taken the reins of power and has become the prince of the power of the air and the god of this age.

This fallen angel rules a fallen world through the medium of fallen man, in an attempt to thwart the perfect plans and purposes of our perfect God. But Satan will never succeed, and God's perfect, read more...

Psalm 4:8

Psalm 4:8

It is no surprise that David was called a man after God's own heart, for he recognised that God alone was His righteousness, and that God alone could be depended upon to relieve his distress, provide for his needs, defeat his enemies, and enlarge his blessings.

David is grieved at the profane acts and futile vanity of the sons of men who dishonour God and blaspheme His holy name, but he also rejoices that the Lord has set apart read more...