This lovely psalm explodes into a song of thanksgiving to God, because His mercy and love endures forever. But it is a psalm which, verse by verse, continues to build up to a crescendo of grateful thanks as it lists the many things that God has done for His people, Israel, and the many ways that He has responded to their cry for help. Although this is a psalm that lists the many ways that God responded to their needs and sheltered them from their enemies, it also read more...
Throughout their history, the nation of Israel passed through countless cycles of rebellion against God, followed by retribution, repentance, and restoration. In the wake of Israel's sin of unbelief and murmurings against Him, the Lord graciously chastened His people for a season, before responding to their cries and restoring them into sweet fellowship with Himself.
Time after time, we discover our faithful God restoring His read more...
This is a beautiful song of rejoicing in the Lord where the theme of thanksgiving and praise for the goodness of God and His everlasting mercy, threads its way like a shining thread from beginning to end. The Psalmist highlights from personal experience and from national history, the wonderful works of God and the many ways that He has been good and gracious to the children of men. Oh give thanks to the Lord He is good His mercy endures forever. O that men would read more...
It is God Who puts a hunger in our heart, both for justification and sanctification. The unbeliever is drawn by the Father's cords of love and convicted of their sinfulness and need of a Saviour, through the ministry of Holy Spirit. And when faith in Christ's sacrificial work is finally received into the heart, that man or woman is born of the Spirit of God and a thirsty soul who aches for peace with God is satisfied.
But it is