Psalm 23 Devotional Commentary

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Psalm 23:1

Psalm 23:1

It was by divine design that this Psalm so beautifully describes the Lord God as our great and caring Shepherd, for although it is often used as a great comfort at a time of death or bereavement, it is equally a Psalm that points to the Lord Jesus Christ as our sustenance and support in every season of our lives. For the Lord is our Provider and Peace; our Strength and Stay; our Righteousness and our Reward; our Sanctuary and our Shepherd.


Psalm 23:2

Psalm 23:2

Our Good and faithful Shepherd gently leads and guides the sheep of His pasture in the best way that each of us should go. He knows each of our names and He knows all our needs and necessities. He is also aware of the dangers and difficulties that stalk each of our paths.

No matter how fraught and restless our lives may become, He is the One that will lead us to the still water-pools of refreshment, for He Himself is the Water of read more...

Psalm 23:2

Psalm 23:2

Jesus is the Great Shepherd of the sheep, the Good Shepherd Who gives His life for the sheep. He is the only Shepherd Who remains faithful unto our life's end. Jesus is my Shepherd, and He is your Shepherd too. And this has been a truth that has comforted and encouraged millions of people, both Jews and Gentiles alike, down through the ages of time.

The Lord Jesus is the one that is shepherding each one of His people today. He is read more...

Psalm 23:3

Psalm 23:3

While David was a young herdsman who discovered that Lord was his own, personal Shepherd, Who provided for his every need, gave him peace in his heart and sustained his soul, he grew up to be a man who loved the Lord. David was a man after God's own heart, who spent hours reflecting on the many blessings he received from the God of his salvation.

From his early years, when he tended his father's flock... to his dying days as the read more...

Psalm 23:4

Psalm 23:4

David was getting old when he penned these words which have meant so much to so many. In this middle section of this Psalm, he changes from talking about his Shepherd Who leads and guides him, feeds and waters him, protects and revives him, to addressing the Shepherd Himself: "For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me."

David knew of the multi-functional task of the shepherd's rod, which could read more...

Psalm 23:5

Psalm 23:5

In this psalm, we see a beautiful portrait of God as our good and faithful Shepherd Who leads us by still waters and guides us into the way of peace. He is, indeed, worthy of our worship and praise. He is the One Who upholds and protects, Who blesses and comforts, Who bountifully provides good things for us in the presence of our enemies. And He is the One Who intercedes for us in heavenly places.

The picture that is painted in