What Does Psalm 125:1 Mean?

Those who trust in the LORD Are as Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides forever.

Psalm 125:1(NASB)

Verse of the Day

This beautiful Psalm is one of a series of songs that the people of Israel would sing joyfully together as they streamed up towards the city of Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of Jehovah.

They journeyed together in prayer and praise, as they started to ascend the holy hill of Zion. They were on their way to celebrate the annual festival of the Lord and as they journeyed together, they joyfully recited these 'songs of ascent' which are found from Psalm 120 to Psalm 134.

Their voices united together as they trudged towards the city of David, and the theme of many of their song touched on various areas of need as they collectively appealed to the Lord for the destruction of their enemies, victory over wicked men, beseeching God's protection, provision, prosperity, and restoration.

This was in tribute to God's long-suffering, praise for His goodness and grace, thanksgiving for His everlasting mercy, and demonstrated a united reverence towards His holy name.

God had proved Himself to be faithful to His people in the past, and they were confident of His continuing goodness and grace towards them. And so they were able to sing together in union: "Those who trust in the LORD are as Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides forever."

The holy city of Jerusalem is surrounded by mountains and hills and provides a beautiful picture of the Lord God of Israel surrounding and protecting His chosen nation. The Lord is from everlasting to everlasting. His strength is matchless and His loving-kindness is unsurpassed. And so these men and women could proclaim with certainty that God's promises to His people stand fast forever and ever.

Like Israel, we too can look back to God's unfailing mercies and look forward to the day when He Who started a good work in us will be completed, in the day of Christ Jesus. Like Israel, we too give grateful thanks and praise to Him for His faithfulness to His children, and we too rejoice in His long-suffering forbearance towards us: His goodness, His grace, and His everlasting mercy. And like Israel, we too can sing together in union: "Those who trust in the LORD are as Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides forever."

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, I praise and thank You for Your faithfulness to both Israel and the Church. I praise and thank You that all who trust in Your name are secure in the truth of Your Word and cannot be moved, for You are with us to protect us and to provide for us, no matter what we may face in this life. May I live to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

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