What Does Psalm 61:5 Mean?

For You have heard my vows, O God; You have given me the inheritance of those who fear Your name.

Psalm 61:5(NASB)

Verse of the Day

What a beautiful relationship king David had with the Lord. In times of danger and difficulty, he quickly fled for refuge into the safe-keeping of his Shield and Defender. In times of disappointment and distress, he raced into the safety of his strong Fortress and hid under the shadow of God’s protective wings: "Hear my cry, O God and give heed to my prayer," is David's urgent request: "From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint."

David was relentlessly pursued by his enemies, but was confident that God always hears the prayers of His servants and is always ready and willing to answer their petition. To know that the ear of the Lord is open to the cries of His people, should quicken the heart of every child of God and stimulate us to pray in spirit and in truth. No wonder we hear this 'king-in-waiting' call out: "Let me dwell in Your tent forever and let me take refuge in the shelter of Your protective wings."

In times of weakness and weariness, he ran for comfort into the loving arms of his faithful Shepherd and in times of spiritual thirst he cried: "Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I," for David had proved God’s faithfulness towards His people and that His everlasting mercy is new every morning.

David was a man of faith who knew that the Lord heard his vows and pleading cries. He had been credited with God's righteousness from his youth, when he shepherded his father's sheep on the hillsides of Bethlehem and sang praises to God on his ten-stringed harp. David was part of 'the Israel of God' - the little remnant who trusted in the Lord and knew that he had been given a heritage, along with all who fear His name.

Like David, we too can stand on God's Word as indisputable fact, knowing that the prayers and entreaties we offer to our Heavenly Father and the pledges and vows we dedicate to Him, are heard and answered by our compassionate Lord.

When exercising faith through petition or intercession and by standing on the promises of God as undeniable certainties, we have that inner assurance that God hears and answers our prayer, for His ears are ever open to our cries for help and He responds to the faintest sigh of His elect people.

We do not have access to our Heavenly Father by works of the law, or through our own righteous deeds, good works, or merit, but by God's grace, we have access, by faith in the precious blood of Christ on Calvary's Cross. For this reason, we can also say with confidence: "God has heard our prayers and petitions. The Lord has heard my vows, and in His grace, has given us the heritage of those that fear Him, to those that reverence His holy name, the Lord has promised an inheritance."

To the earthly nation of Israel, through their forefather Abraham, the Lord promised an earthly inheritance. To His heavenly people, the Church, God Himself has laid up for us an inheritance in heaven.

Although this is a Psalm that speaks both into the circumstances of king David’s life and also into the longer-term history of the whole house of Israel, this is a Psalm that is as relevant for us today as it was in the time of great Davidic dynasty.

We have legitimate access to the throne of grace through Christ so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. We have the confident assurance that when we pray into the will of the Father, in the name of Jesus, and the power of the Spirit, our prayers will be heard and answered. And we have the seal of the Holy Spirit in our lives as a pledge and guarantee of the promised inheritance that is the right of all who fear His name.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You that You hear the cries of Your children and that Your ears are ever open to the pleas, petitions, and prayers of those who reverence Your name, acknowledge Your perfections, and praise You for Your goodness and grace. May I adore and admire You in my daily life and serve You in all the circumstances of life, in spirit and in truth, both in my inner being and through my external body. In the name of Jesus, AMEN.

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