What Does Psalm 17:1 Mean?

LORD, hear my just plea! Pay attention to my cry! Listen to my prayer, since it does not come from lying lips.

Psalm 17:1(ISV)

Verse of the Day

The Lord hears and responds to every spoken and unspoken prayer, every whispered cry, every word of grateful thanks, every prayer petition that is pleaded in the inner sanctuary of the heart. He hears every intercessor who pleads the blood of Christ in his prayer closet and every little prayer arrow that is quickly shot into the throne-room of grace.

God responds to the heart-cry when those sudden emergencies engulf our peace, for He has promised to be with us always; to hear and answer the cries of all his children. We rejoice to know that He is with us in every action, every place, and every decision we make in our lives. The prayer that is offered to God in faith proceeds from a heart that is pleasing to the Lord.

David was the king of Israel who was a man after God's own heart. David trusted all that God said and so his plea to the Lord flowed from a heart of trust. His cry to the Lord came from a man that believed the Word of the Lord. David's prayer was uttered to the Lord from a heart that was open and clean before Him, for he had faith in the God to Whom he prayed, and he expected God to hear and answer his prayer.

It is not faith in prayer that is powerful, but faith in the God to whom he prayed that caused the prayers of David to be effective, for David trusted the Word of the true and living God. David knew that despite the painful and distressing circumstances in which he found himself, God was true to His Word.

David knew that the thoughts of his heart and the meditations of his mind were all open and known to the Lord. He did not offer his prayer from a heart of disbelief, nor a heart that was hiding a secret sin or any unconfessed offense. David could cry to the Lord; Father God, hear my just plea, pay attention to my cry, listen to my prayer since it does not come from lying lips.

Empty prayer from a heart of unbelief or the insincere prayer of pretence avails little, for without faith in the God to Whom we are praying it is impossible to please Him, for whoever comes to God in prayer must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who diligently search for Him.

Similarly, pleas that flow from a double-minded man who uses prayer as a good-luck charm or as a means to manipulate the Lord, are displeasing to Him. Our prayers to the Lord should come from a heart that is an open book to our Father, for the prayer of a man or woman after God's own heart is powerful and effective.

Let us approach the throne of grace in humility of heart, for He is faithful to hear and answer the prayers of His children.

My Prayer

Loving Lord, thank You that You are a God who hears my every sigh and knows my needs before I even ask. May my prayers flow to You from a heart that trusts You implicitly, a heart that is open and clean before Your throne of grace. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

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