What Does Acts 2:32 Mean?

"This Jesus God raised up again, to which we are all witnesses.

Acts 2:32(NASB)

Verse of the Day

Having been baptised into the Body of Christ, filled with the Spirit, and indwelt by His holy Presence, Peter was empowered by God to deliver his message to the men of Israel, following that unique day of Pentecost. Peter used the Hebrew Scriptures to attest to the truth that Jesus is God's Messiah and cited His glorious Resurrection as biblical proof, for it was impossible for Christ to be held captive by death, because death is inconsistent with deity, for within Himself is life-eternal.

His sacrificial death paid the penalty for our sin, but the icy grip of death could never hold Him in the grave, because eternal deity possesses immortality and perfect, sinless manhood is not subject to the sentence of death nor the curse of the Law (and we who believe Him, who are in positioned in Christ, are similarly not subject to the sentence of death or the curse of the Law, for by faith in Him we are accepted by God in the Beloved).

The suffering of God's chosen Servant was well documented in the Scriptures, as was His glorious Resurrection and Ascension into heaven, for it was foretold by prophets of old including Israel's great patriarch, King David.

David had prophesied that the coming holy One of Israel, Who was both his Lord and his offspring, would be pierced in His hands and feet but would not suffer the corruption of the grave. David also witnessed to the truth that Christ would be raised up and seated at the right hand of the Majesty on high until He makes His enemies His footstool. No surprise that 3000 souls were added to the Church on that special day of Pentecost when the Christian Church was born.

Not only were the apostles among the many eye-witnesses of the resurrected Christ during those 40 days between His Resurrection and Ascension, but the crowds in Jerusalem who were listening to the blistering truth from Peter's discourse that day, had themselves been spectators to all that had transpired on that momentous Feast of Passover, only fifty days before when the sky turned black for three hours and the veil of the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom, giving all who will believe on Him forgiveness of sin, life everlasting, and access to the heavenly throne of grace.

The need to share the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ is as urgent today as it was on that first day of Pentecost, when Peter delivered his inspired discourse to those men of Israel. Let us similarly tell all in our sphere of life: "This same Jesus Who died on the Cross to pay the price for our sins, was raised up again by God," to which we too are witnesses, for we who were once dead in our sins have been made alive in Jesus Christ our Lord. And the day is fast approaching when this mortal will put on immortal and this corruption will put in incorruption, for we are ONE with Christ and accepted in Him, and through Him we have life eternal.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, what a joy to be part of Your family and accepted in Christ. Thank You, Jesus, that You loved the Church so much that we have received Your Resurrection life and are exempt from the sentence of death and the curse of the Law. In Your name I pray, AMEN.

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