Acts 3 Devotional Commentary

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  • Acts 3
Acts 3:13

Acts 3:13

For multiple centuries, the prophets of old had foretold of a coming Messiah Who would save His people from their sins. He would be a descendent of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David... and it was foretold that He would herald in a wonderful time of peace and prosperity for His people, Israel.

Throughout the Scriptures, He was given many names and multiple titles, and in the book of Isaiah, He was identified as 'God's Servant'. In read more...

Acts 3:19

Acts 3:19

Israel were God's chosen people who were called to proclaim the good news to the nations, but they failed and fell into apostasy. Despite prophetic calls for Israel to repent and turn back to the Lord, their hearts remained hardened and their eyes were blinded to the truth.

John the Baptist was Israel's final prophetic voice. He was the fore-runner of the Lord who urged God's chosen nation to repent of their sins for the kingdom read more...

Acts 3:22

Acts 3:22

A great change took place in God's dealings with mankind after the Resurrection and Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ. Before the Cross, people were living under the Law and looking forward expectantly to the coming of their Messiah; the hope of all nations Who would save His people from their sin. But at His crucifixion and Resurrection, Christ, the Passover Lamb and final Sacrifice for sin, was offered for us, such that all who believe in Him will not perish but read more...

Acts 3:26

Acts 3:26

God chose Israel to be the nation through whom He would save man. But they sinned and throughout the Old Testament, Israel was called on by the prophets to repent and turn from their evil ways. Jesus was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and John the Baptist called upon Israel to repent nationally, turn from sin, follow their Messiah, and fulfil their original calling to tell the world of God. But they crucified their King. At Pentecost, we once again read more...