Acts 20 Devotional Commentary

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  • Acts 20
Acts 20:7

Acts 20:7

The life and times of the apostle Paul were fraught with difficulties and dangers and in this short segment, on his third missionary journey, we read of a meeting that took place on the first day of the week, when the followers of Christ had gathered together to break bread. On this particular day, Paul ministered to this little assembly of Christians - indeed his extended message to them continued until midnight!

We discover

Acts 20:20

Acts 20:20

While Paul's epistles were written to specific people or church communities to teach doctrine, give reproof, provide correction, deliver encouragement, impart instruction in righteousness, and give guidance in Christian living, the book of Acts could more accurately be described as a historical document.

The first chapters of Acts, record

Acts 20:21

Acts 20:21

Paul's third missionary journey was around Asia Minor and Greece, and in Acts 20, we discover he was eager to give encouragement to different groups of believers in various locations along the way. He was also keenly aware of an evil, Jewish plot to kill him during his scheduled visit to the church at Ephesus, and had to take this into account as he planned his route by land and by sea.

Paul was in a hurry to go to Jerusalem and read more...

Acts 20:28

Acts 20:28

No matter where Paul ministered, his greatest concern was to preach the gospel of Christ, and so we discover that in Ephesus as elsewhere, Paul preached boldly in public places and went from house to house testifying to Jew and Gentile alike, of the need of repentance towards God and faith towards the Lord Jesus Christ.

Paul was deeply concerned for the spiritual well-being of all people. The danger into which he placed himself in read more...