Acts 1 Devotional Commentary

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Acts 1:1

Acts 1:1

Although the book of Acts is often described as the acts or actions of the apostles in the fledgling Christian church, this volume of Scripture would more accurately be called the continuing acts or undertakings of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Luke in his Gospel, described all that the Lord Jesus began to do and teach in His earthly ministry and he also put on record, in the book of Acts, all that Jesus continued to do and to teach. But read more...

Acts 1:3

Acts 1:3

Jesus was the promised Messiah Who was to break in pieces the kingdoms of this world and set up His Millennial Kingdom upon the earth, with God's chosen people, Israel, as the head of the nations and not the tail. Jesus had come to set up His earthly kingdom, but first He was to suffer and die for the sin of the whole world, for before the establishment of His earthly reign in Jerusalem, Jesus must also become: "The Lamb of God Who takes away the sin read more...

Acts 1:4

Acts 1:4

For forty days after His Resurrection from the dead, the Lord Jesus appeared to many of His disciples and followers, speaking of things concerning the kingdom of God. No doubt He touched on the future Millennial Kingdom where one day He will rule and reign as King of kings and Lord of lords. But also He would probably make the same shrouded references to the coming Church age, which can be seen in certain gospel passages.


Acts 1:5

Acts 1:5

Before the Cross of Calvary, the people of Israel were called by John to turn from their sins because the promised Messiah of God had come. John's was a baptism of repentance specifically targeted at Israel, because Jesus their King was in their midst and they were to turn from their sins. First, they were to repent of their sins because the kingdom was near, for the King was present. Though John may not have fully understood, he prophesied that at a future time read more...

Acts 1:6

Acts 1:6

Jesus was just about to go to His Father in heaven and had just reminded His disciples that after He ascended to the right hand of the Father, He would send His promised Holy Spirit to indwell them forever, and to guide them into all truth.

They were to be His witness to a lost and dying world that salvation is available to all who would believe on Christ for the forgiveness of sins. They would tell the world that by faith, they read more...

Acts 1:7

Acts 1:7

The Old Testament Scriptures promised the nation of Israel a literal, earthly kingdom, the boundaries of which would far exceed those which had been secured in the golden days of David and Solomon.

Jesus Himself had promised His chosen apostles that when the Son of Man sits on His glorious throne in the kingdom of God, they too would be seated on 12 thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel, while prophets like Isaiah, Ezekiel, read more...

Acts 1:8

Acts 1:8

Jesus died once and for all as the sacrifice for man's sin, and rose as living proof of His claims to be Israel's Messiah and Saviour of the world. Before the Cross, men could only approach God through Israel. After the Resurrection, the Church (which is the Body of Christ) were to be His witnesses on earth. Their testimony was to start in Jerusalem and spread out from that point. Indeed, Jesus had commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the read more...

Acts 1:9

Acts 1:9

Following forty glorious post-resurrection days, the risen Lord Jesus led His little band of disciples out from the tiny town of Bethany to the beautiful Mount of Olives, where He spoke to them for the very last time before being taken from them, into heaven. It must have been a time of confusion and expectancy, for His words were those of a dearly loved friend, Who was bidding His precious followers farewell, for "after He had said these things, Jesus was read more...

Acts 1:10

Acts 1:10

Following forty glorious post-Resurrection days, the risen Lord Jesus led His little band of disciples out from the tiny town of Bethany to the beautiful Mount of Olives, where He spoke to them for the very last time before being taken into heaven. It must have been a time of such expectancy tinged with hesitancy, for His words were those of a dearly loved friend bidding His precious followers farewell.

And so, lifting up His

Acts 1:11

Acts 1:11

How important it was that the Lord Jesus ascended into heaven at the end of His earthly ministry, for only then could He send the indwelling Holy Spirit as the seal of all God's promises to those who believe on Him.

How wonderful to realise that in returning to heaven He would take up His twofold ministry as our great High Priest interceding to the Father on our behalf and also our heavenly Advocate and Mediator between God and read more...

Acts 1:11

Acts 1:11

We have not been appointed to gaze on the Word of God without understanding, or in a frightened, astonished, or perplexed way, as did His disciples when the Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven. We now have a more-sure Word of prophecy which informs us of our unshakable hope in God's plans and purposes for our future.

Despite all that Jesus had taught the apostles during His earthly ministry, and even though He opened the read more...

Acts 1:14

Acts 1:14

God's people are to be a praying people, united in Spirit and love, for we are one body with one hope, one faith, one gospel, one Lord - one God and Father of us all. As the disciples of Christ waited for the promise from the Father, "they were all together, with one mind. They were continually devoting themselves to prayer, along with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus - and His brothers." What a beautiful picture of the redeemed of Christ, obeying read more...

Acts 1:22

Acts 1:22

In his Gospel, Luke wrote down all that Jesus began to do and teach during his earthly ministry, describing His birth, life, death, burial, and rising from the dead. He also described post-Resurrection appearances, when the Lord Jesus presented Himself alive to His followers by many convincing proofs for 40 days, during which time He taught about the kingdom of God and presented Himself as Israel's promised Messiah. The good doctor continued his treatise in the read more...