These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer, along with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.
Acts 1:14(NASB)
God's people are to be a praying people, united in Spirit and love, for we are one body with one hope, one faith, one gospel, one Lord - one God and Father of us all. As the disciples of Christ waited for the promise from the Father, "they were all together, with one mind. They were continually devoting themselves to prayer, along with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus - and His brothers." What a beautiful picture of the redeemed of Christ, obeying His instructions and following His prayerful example.
There is no better example of God's own blood-bought children, continuing in devoted, persevering prayer and sustained supplication, than this beautiful picture of the little flock of God on the days leading up to the great day of Pentecost, when the Church was born, the Spirit was given, the dispensation of Israel was placed on 'hold' for a season, and the dispensation of the grace of God began.
They had been separated in the physical realm from the good Shepherd, yet were waiting together in obedience for the promised Comforter. He was to come in the Person of the gentle Spirit of holiness. "He is with you and He will be IN you," were their Saviour's comforting words to His confused disciples, the night before He was betrayed.
Their praying was no random thing, but had become their consistent occupation and constant employment. Their prayerfulness was rooted in their trust in Christ, and their persistent praying exhibited the eternal hope they had in Him. They waited expectantly for the coming of the Holy Spirit.
"You will be baptised with the Holy Spirit not many days from now," were the final words that were still ringing in their ears as, with one accord, they devoted themselves to prayer, together with Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers, and the many faithful women who had devoted their heart to their Saviour. Day after day their faith did not waver, as they continually devoted themselves to prayer.
Their interceding was no solitary, isolated existence, for they were all united together in one place. They were pleading as from one heart. There was no conflicting attitude, discordant purpose, or divided interest, for they were praying with one accord. They were praying in faith for Christ's word to be fulfilled.
This little group of believers were calling out to God in concert harmony, and perfect union, with their heart-focused on Christ and His throne of grace. This was a chorus of people who had experienced the excruciating grief and intense pain of witnessing the deep agony and cruel death of their crucified Lord and Saviour - yet they were waiting in joyful anticipation.
This was the separated people, whose night of bitter weeping had been exchanged for a morning of joy. And together, they experienced an inner thrill and expectant hope that their risen, ascended, and glorified Lord, would send the Holy Spirit not many days from that amazing moment, when they had watched Jesus ascend up into heaven - only a few days earlier.
And so, in obedience to His command, this little band of disciples were waiting in Jerusalem for the promise of the Father. They were all together in one place and with one mind. They were continually devoting themselves to prayer, along with the women - and even Mary the mother of Jesus, and His own brothers who had ridiculed him throughout His ministry, were part of that praying company, as with one mind, they hammered on heaven's door.
God's people are still to be a praying people, united in Spirit and love. We are still to be an expectant people as we watch and wait in unity of heart for the any day return of Christ in the clouds for His Church. And although the enemy will continue to interfere with the unity of the spirit and disrupt our bond of peace... with divisive doctrines and critical attitudes, the Lord's High Priestly prayer, "that they may be One," still remains true today.
Let us in our various circumstances, whether we are physically isolated from other believers or not, revive in our hearts that spirit of undivided-unity and persistent-prayer. Let us stand firm on the promises of God, and wait in earnest expectation for the imminent return of the Lord Jesus for his Church - and let us foster that true heart-focus on Christ, which should permeate the lives of all believers until it is, "not I that live, but Christ that lives in me."
Loving Father, help me to turn the eyes of my heart towards You in an attitude of persistent-prayer as did those first disciples of Christ, on the days leading up to Pentecost. Thank You that I already have the indwelling Spirit of God with me and living within me, to lead and guide in all the difficulties that I am facing. Look down on Your people and instil in the hearts of all of us, that dear desire to be united in spirit and devoted to prayer, until Jesus comes. Lord, I pray that in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, I will hand all my cares to You. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
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