What Does Psalm 37:23 Mean?

The steps of a man are established by the LORD, And He delights in his way.

Psalm 37:23(NASB)

Verse of the Day

God gives His people both provision and protection, and though to the casual eye this may not always seem to reflect the bitter circumstances of life through which many Christians have to pass today, God's provision and protection is established in the eternal realms.

However, it is also true to say that although this heavenly provision and protection is eternally secure for all God's people, many stand witness to His miraculous hand at work in the everyday challenges and difficulties of life, through which we all have to pass.

We read that the steps of a man are established by the Lord, and the word 'established' means that they are ordered, secured, and fixed by our Father in heaven. Nothing on the earth below nor in the heavens above can cause the steps of those that have been made righteous through Jesus Christ to stray so far or to fall so heavily, that God in His grace will not reach down and to pick us up.

Indeed, we are told by Jude that He is able to keep us from stumbling so that we will one day stand in the presence of His glory, blameless and with great joy.

The Lord establishes our steps is because He loves His children and is pleased to be our Provider, our Protector, and our Establisher, not only in this life but in the eternal realms to come, which are reserved for us in heaven.

How blessed we are to have a God Who delights in our way, Who is intimately involved in every detail of our life and Who upholds us with His righteous right hand. No wonder this Psalm begins with the words "do not fret," but let us, like David, rest in the safe arms of the Protector of our soul, the Establisher of our steps.

My Prayer

Thank You, Father, that my steps are ordered by You, that You take delight in establishing the way I should go, and are able keep me from falling. Help me to set my heart on things above, knowing that Christ is seated at the right hand of God as my eternal provider Who delights to order my way and establish the path I should take. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

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