I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
John 15:5(KJV)
The image of a branch gaining all its sustenance and strength from the parent vine is a beautiful description of man's total dependence upon God, without Whom we can do nothing, for in Him we live and move and have our being.
When Jesus Christ, the Son of God, walked the earth, He demonstrated this truth, for He lived His entire life in utter dependence upon the Father: "I can do nothing of Myself," He said, "I speak only that which I have seen from my Father." Though Jesus Christ was fully God, He lived His life in His humanity. Jesus lived as God intended man to live: in utter dependence upon God.
Christ walked in spirit and truth and only said and did those things that He heard from the Father. He demonstrated how man should life. He lived His life so that the life of God could be lived through the Son of Man in His humanity.
Although Jesus Christ was fully God, He drew all His strength from His Father in heaven, demonstrating how you and I should live our lives as God's children, drawing all our strength from our Lord Jesus Christ: "For without Him we can do nothing."
We are to walk in spirit and truth and to do only those things that we hear from Christ our Saviour so that His life may be lived in us and through us.
Until we humbly confess that in and of ourselves we can do nothing, we will foolishly and unsuccessfully attempt to produce good fruit in our own strength. Let us meditate on this vital principle: JESUS is the vine and we are the branches. We are to abide in HIM and allow HIS Spirit to live HIS life through us, just as He abode in the Father and did only those things that He heard from the Father: "For apart from Me you can do nothing."
Heavenly Father, teach me how to abide in Christ and He in me. Teach me to live my life as You would have me to live, in total dependence upon You (which is the life of Christ being lived through me), so that I may produce the good fruit in my life that is honouring to You. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
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