At the very start of His ministry, the Lord Jesus was an invited guest at a wedding feast and was accompanied by both His disciples and His mother. Jesus was the named wedding guest, for the name of JESUS alone holds supremacy in the writings of Scripture - it is at the name of JESUS alone that every knee will one day bow.
Throughout His life, Jesus increasingly found favour with God and man. He grew in stature and grace, He read more...
At the very start of His earthly ministry, the Lord Jesus had to establish His God-appointed authority on earth, for as He set out on His three year walk towards the Cross He would honour no other instruction than those that came from His Father in heaven.
His mother had often pondered the gracious words and godly wisdom she heard from the only begotten Son of the Father, and she had to began to understand what we all have to read more...
Each year, the Passover was a reminder to the people of Israel that God had delivered them out of slavery in Egypt. It was customary for the men of Israel to travel up to Jerusalem to celebrate certain feast days, and Passover was the first of these annual festivals to be commemorated.
The Lord Jesus was starting His earthly ministry, and one of His first public appearances was attending the Passover in Jerusalem. He had already read more...
Throughout His earthly life, the Lord Jesus ignored the unscriptural traditions of the elders and would knowingly violate the unbiblical customs of the Scribes and Pharisees, and disregard their man-made rituals and manufactured ceremonies. But in every respect, the Lord Jesus fulfilled the Law of God which was given to Israel through Moses, and He kept the statutes of the Lord in order to remove the curse of the Law from those who would believe on His name and read more...
The beautiful Temple in Jerusalem was ordained by God to be a sacred house of prayer for all nations. But the religious leaders had become proud and rebellious, and instead of it being used for its hallowed purpose of worship and prayer, the holy Temple of God had become a profane place of ungodly merchandise, dishonest trading, and gross malpractice of unprecedented proportion.
It was at the beginning of His ministry that Jesus read more...
The prophets of old foretold of Christ's death and Resurrection, and Jesus Himself also predicts in a number of places that He would die and rise-again from the dead. And here, at the very beginning of His earthly ministry, the Lord prophesied of His own death and Resurrection: "Destroy this Temple..." He challenged angrily, as He accused the Pharisees of making His Father's house into a den on thieves, "...and in three days I will read more...
The Lord Jesus Christ is the exact image of the invisible God Who existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation. Although Christ laid aside His glory for a season, in order to be born into the human race and become our Redeemer, His deity was not lessened, and His divine attributes and character were undiminished.
One of God's supernatural characteristics is His omniscience. God is all-knowing, all-wise, and read more...
In the previous verse we read: "Jesus did not commit Himself to the people." He did not entrust Himself to them: "Because He knew what was in their hearts." Even though the crowds were following after Him excitedly and placing their confidence and trust in Him because of the many mighty miracles they witnessed, Jesus knew that this could never become a mutual trust. Jesus knew that He could not commit His life and His important read more...