What Does Psalm 121:2 Mean?

My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Psalm 121:2(HCSB)

Verse of the Day

Three times a year, the men of Israel would set out for Jerusalem to celebrate the feasts of the Lord and to worship their God at the Holy Temple, which stood majestically at the top of Mount Zion. As they travelled along, they set their faces towards the Jerusalem hills, and as they advanced, they sang together the many Songs of Ascent: "I lift my eyes toward the mountains. Where will my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth."

As they ascended the hilly slopes of Jerusalem, their faces were steadfastly set towards the place that represented the Presence of the Lord; the Ark of the Covenant in the most holy place in the Temple of God, and the Mercy Seat whereby their sins could be covered until the promised Messiah of Israel came as the perfect Sacrifice. 

It was the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth, and not the hills to whom they looked for help. They knew their strength and their help. Their provision and protection came only from the Lord.

This same God is the One from Whom our help comes. He would not only pay the price for the sins of Israel, but for the sin of the whole world. We are not required to ascend the mountainous track to Jerusalem, thrice yearly to plead for forgiveness and mercy, for we have the Spirit of God residing forever in our hearts and by the sacrifice of Christ's blood, we have access into the holy throne-room of God every moment of the day.

Praise God that our strength and help, provision and protection comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth, and He will never leave us nor forsake us but will be our ever-present help.

My Prayer

Thank You, Father God, that You are my ever-present help in troubled times and that by the blood of Christ, I now have full access to Your throne of grace, for mercy to find help in time of need. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

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