What Does Psalm 12:6 Mean?

The words of the LORD are pure words; As silver tried in a furnace on the earth, refined seven times.

Psalm 12:6(NASB)

Verse of the Day

The foundation and fabric of society was crumbling in David's day, as is happening in today. Twisted truth and double-speak is still the order of our day and age.. and the man of integrity is increasingly labelled as mean-minded, bigoted and resistant to progress. And like David we cry to the Lord to save us from the deceptive words and slanderous suggestions of the wicked.. and to intervene once again in the affairs of a race that is overflowing with evil, deception, propaganda, satanic lies and demonic policies against the people of God.

God did not immediately remove the evils from the path of His faithful servant David - for delay in God's judgement on the wicked is a demonstration of His mercy and grace towards the children of men. The Lord desires that all men repent and are saved, and His delay is designed to give a greater opportunity for the wicked to renounce their evil ways, repent of their sins and turn to the Lord and be saved.

Our long suffering God Who strives with fallen man has opened a door of salvation, which invites all guilty sinners to look to Christ and live - but it can only be accessed by the Door of grace - through faith in Christ's sacrificial work at Calvary - and that Door is still open today, for Jesus is the Door and Jesus is the Way - and Jesus is the good Shepherd who is still seeking that which is lost.

This grace of God promises that all who turn from their wicked, prideful ways to Christ for Salvation will be declared righteous. The opportunity to turn from sin and to turn to Christ is still available, to all who will believe on the Lord Jesus Christ by faith. But God is not deaf to the cries of His children and one day soon He will judge sinful man for their evil deeds, for a good and righteous God must punish sin. His Word of truth outlines all the wrath and punishment that will one day be poured out on a Christ-rejecting sinful world.. that has chosen to refuse His gracious offer of salvation - and He will cut off all who have slandered the saints and practiced flattery and satanic deception.

But can the Word of God be trusted? Could He renege on His precious promises? Would God go back on His Word of Truth and fail to deliver our longed-for Blessed Hope? And the answer is unequivocally NO, a thousand times NO! - for the words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth - purified seven times.

God's Word is perfect and flawless. God's character is righteous and holy. God's promises are steadfast and sure and His truth endures from one generation to another. He has placed each of His own in the cleft of the Rock, and covered us with His nail-pierced hands. He has set His Word above His holy name and nothing can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

But while it is still 'today' let us hold fast to the many precious promises of God - which are yes and amen in Christ and trust Him to fulfil all that He has promised on our account. His Word of truth can be trusted implicitly for His character is eternally holy, everlastingly righteous, unendingly good and perfectly pure - His mercy is endures forever.

His delay in the punishment of the wicked in the time of David concluded in joy and rejoicing - just as the multiplication of evil in our day will one day be halted in our lives too - and it will be to His praise and glory and for our eternal benefit. Let us hold fast to that blessed Hope that is set before us, for the Words of the LORD are pure words; as silver tried in a furnace on the earth, refined seven times.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, it seems that the wicked prowl around as a roaring lion seeking to destroy and slander all that is good and holy. Thank You that I am Your child and I will not fear what man can do to me for I know that I am kept secure in the cleft of My Jesus, and nothing can pluck me out of His hands, in Whose name I pray, AMEN.

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