What Does Psalm 12:1 Mean?

Help, LORD, for the godly man ceases to be, For the faithful disappear from among the sons of men.

Psalm 12:1(NASB)

Verse of the Day

The Word of God stands fast or falls flat, on the character of God. If God is true and righteous, just and good, eternal and unchanging then the words of His mouth and the proclamations of His heart are equally secure and eternally immovably.

It is with this strong trust in the veracity and righteousness of the Lord that so many of David's cries for help are anchored. It is because he has faith in God and trusts in the unchangeable and unchanging character of his faithful God that the questioning heart of a distressed David is able to remain securely anchored to the precious promises of God.

Nevertheless, he calls to the Lord for help and strength because principled and godly men have all but vanished from the land and faithfulness and trustworthy people seem to have disappeared from off the face of the earth.

Indeed, David lists the evil lies, corrupt speech, vain babblings, flattering lips, and hidden motives of double-hearted and deceitful men, and takes comfort in the knowledge that one day the Lord will stop all flattering lips, and every boastful tongue will be silenced before the judgement throne of God.

It seems that in the distant days of David's dynasty that unbridled wickedness was ravaging the earth while godly people ceased to be. It appeared that even a few faithful people, failed to be found from among the children of men. How like the distressing days in which we find ourselves, for like David we discover that we are in the midst of an evil and adulterous generation, where there is no respect of persons and utter contempt for the things of God.

How like the times in which we are living where unbridled evil seems to trample all semblance of goodness and graciousness under its filthy feet, and honesty and integrity seem to be qualities that have little influence in this God-hating, Christ-rejecting, sin-sick world.

But God is not deaf to the cries of His children nor is He blind to the wickedness that is being carried out against His people and He will once again stretch out His strong arm to save all those that trust in His name. God's judgement against unrepentant man is soon coming, as prophesied in Scripture. For the full force of God's wrath against man's unrighteousness and rebellion will one day be unleashed, for the Word of the Lord stands fast or falls flat, on the very character of our holy God.

Today, it may appear that the wicked strut about on every side and that vileness is exalted among the sons of men, but God is not mocked and His ears are ever open to the cries of His children. His apparent delay is simply a manifestation of His long-suffering goodness and grace towards sinful, rebellions man, for He is not willing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance through faith in the finished work of Christ at Calvary.

Let us never doubt God's Word for He will not delay forever. The time is fast approaching when today's door of grace will be shut fast and God will take us to be with Himself before He begins to pour out His wrath on a Christ-rejecting, sinful, and rebellious generation. In the meantime, let us hold fast to His Word of truth and trust in the unchangeable and unchanging character of our good and faithful God.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, the world seems to be spiralling out of control, but I praise and thank You that You are in control and that it is not Your will that any should perish, but that all come to faith in Christ for salvation. Use me to be a true witness to the truth of the glorious gospel of grace, and as the world is sinking deeper into sin, use me to help rescue those that are perishing, to your praise and glory. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

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