Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
Psalm 103:3(KJV)
Every good and perfect gift comes from God above, but there is no more precious and lasting gift than that of the forgiveness of our sins. God's forgiveness of sinners is exclusively and singularly tied to the Cross of Calvary and the blood of Christ that was shed for many for the remission of sin and the redemption of mankind.
Only the death and Resurrection of Jesus is sufficient to pay the full and costly price for the sin of the whole world. Christ did indeed die to pay the price for humanity's sin, but only those that trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, experience His full and free forgiveness, forever.
He is not only our Saviour: "Who forgives all our sins," but He is also our Healer: "Who healeth all our diseases," for there is no sickness or illness that can withstand the power and glory of our Creator God and heavenly King, if He so chooses.
Though some erroneously link a lack of faith with a lack of healing in this Church dispensation, this is unscriptural, for we live in a fallen frame and reside in a dying body. All humanity is prey to degeneration, illness, and death, until our mortal puts on immortality, our corruption is dressed in incorruptibility, and our fallen frame becomes a resurrected and glorified body, when together we will cry: "Oh death where is thy sting, oh grave where is thy victory?"
Thank You, Father, that I have been saved by grace through faith in the shed blood of my Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank You that sin, sickness, death, and hell, has no power over me, for I am secure in Christ in Whose name I pray, AMEN.
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