What Does Psalm 9:10 Mean?

And those who know Your name will put their trust in You, For You, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You.

Psalm 9:10(NASB)

Verse of the Day

How precious that we can say: "I know the 'unknowable' name of YHWH." His name is JESUS. He is truly a gracious God, full of loving-kindness and goodness. He is a faithful, forgiving, and merciful God, Who is long-suffering towards those who believe in the wonderful name of the only begotten Son of God.

He is Salvation to the sinner, Refuge to the saint, Comfort to the afflicted, Strength to the weak, Health to the sick, and He is the Resurrection and Life-everlasting to those who trust in His name.

No wonder this psalmist of Israel penned these words: "Those who know Your name put their trust in You." How could we not trust in this eternal God of grace Whose grandeur is unlimited, Whose power is unrivalled, Whose tender mercy is everlasting, Whose grace is sufficient, and Whose deep, unconditional Love is unsurpassed.

The faithfulness of the Lord towards the children of Israel has never failed in their long and troubled history. 'To KNOW the Name of God', in Old Testament times equated to believing God's Word and trusting His promises. In Old Testament days those who 'knew the name of God' were credited with righteousness - for they were saved, by grace through faith in HIM.

Despite Israel's prideful rebellion and lusting after other gods, the Lord is faithful to His promises - and those who know His name will never be forsaken because they put their trust in Him.  And despite crying-out in venomous hatred: "We will not have this man to rule over us," the day is coming when God in His grace will raise-up Israel to be the head and not the tail of the nations. For a day is coming when they too, will acknowledge Christ Jesus as their Messiah and cry out: "Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord."

Never let us doubt the promises of God's faithfulness to all who are His children, by grace through faith in Christ. Just as God continues to remain faithful to His people Israel, so He continues to remain faithful to the Church, which is the Body of Christ. Just as His promises to Israel will all be fulfilled one day, so His precious promises to the Church are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus, our Lord, Who loved the Church so much that He gave Himself up for love of her, and He has promised never to leave us nor forsake us.

Collectively, we are the Church of God, but each one of us is an individual member of His spiritual Body. We are many living stones that are being built up into one, grand, spiritual house, in which dwells the Holy Spirit of God Himself. And we who have put our trust in Christ are blessed to know His name and to enjoy intimacy with the One Who died for our sins.  

The Lord our God is righteous, and He will deal justly with all unrighteousness, in both sinner and saved alike. The Lord our God is holy, and He will deal justly in every segment of our life, where sin is hiding, for He is a fair judge and a righteous God, Who will not abide iniquity.

But just as God is faithful to His people Israel, we too have an assurance that we, who have been bought with the precious blood of Christ, will never be abandoned nor condemned, for there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus.

Let us glory in His wonderful name and let us trust Him in all things, seek Him with our whole heart, and increasingly flee to Him as the Hope of our salvation and our Tower of refuge, for He is our Comforter, our Joy, our Light, and our Life.

My Prayer

Loving Father, thank You that in Christ I know Your name, Your character, and Your amazing grace, which is poured out in such abundance on all who trust in the Lord Jesus as Saviour. I pray that my heart may seek You more and more with each passing day, and I ask that You would increase in me a deeper longing to know You more, and to love You better. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

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