What Does Psalm 63:8 Mean?

My soul clings to you, even as your right hand supports me.

Psalm 63:8(ISV)

Verse of the Day

From beginning to end, David the shepherd king cries out in intense longing to God. He displays a deep yearning for the Lord, a soul-thirst that only his Heavenly Father can satisfy.

His whole spirit, soul, and body pants out in a passionate desire for spiritual refreshment, which God alone can supply. And David clings tight hold of His Redeemer King knowing that only in Him will he find lasting peace, for only God's righteous right hand can support the weary soul in his hour of need.

David was a man after God's own heart, and he thirsted after God and clung tightly to His Lord. This is a powerful reminder that all who thirst after the Rock of our salvation, will be satisfied by the rivers of living water that flood the inner soul of those that seek Him with all their hearts.

Let us be men and women that seek after the Lord with every fibre of our being and cling tightly to our precious Saviour every moment of the day. Let us also rejoice that even on those days when our faith wears thin and we lose heart, HE always remains faithful, His right hand always supports us, and the satisfaction that comes from Him fulfils us completely.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, my soul thirsts for You in a weary and war-torn land. Thank You that You have promised never to leave me nor forsake me and to uphold me with Your righteous right hand. I pray that I may cling tightly to You every moment of the day, knowing that You have promised to support me. Thank You, in Jesus' name, AMEN.

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