What Does Psalm 62:5 Mean?

My soul, wait in silence for God only, For my hope is from Him.

Psalm 62:5(NASB)

Verse of the Day

How we love to fret and worry about this and that. Indeed, I have heard it said: "How worrying it would be if we did not have anything to worry about!" And yet how much this violates the wisdom of Scripture, for we are admonished not to fret, nor to fear, nor to carry our own burdens, but to cast all our worries upon the Lord. To be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication to talk to the Lord, in our own words, and in the quietness of 'spirit to Spirit' communion, to tell God what are our needs, to talk to Him about the things that so often cause us to fret and worry, and to thank Him for all he has done for us.

Rather than fretting, we are to rest in God. Rather than worrying, we are to be still before the Lord. Rather than being anxious, we are to abide in Christ, to remain secure under the shadow of His wing, and to repose in the arms of our beloved Saviour Who died and rose again so that we might live with Him forever. For our hope comes from Him, alone.

Were we to read this verse and act on it the moment that a worry casts a dark shadow across the portal our heart, we would neither fret nor be troubled, nor would we be anxious about anything. Instead, we would safely abide in the arms of Jesus, for He is our eternal sufficiency. He would calm our fears and still our anxious thoughts. The fortress of His love would be our protection, and we would never be shaken as we abided in Christ, our Rock and our salvation.

Let us read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the truth that is enfolded in the embrace of these words of wisdom that have been sent to us directly from our Father's throne in heaven: "Rest in God alone, my soul - for my hope comes from Him."

My Prayer

Loving Father, what a thrill to know that all my hope comes from You. All my security, all my love, all my joy, and all my delight is founded in the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You, Father, that I can come to You and rest in You every moment of the day and night. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

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