What Does Psalm 5:8 Mean?

O LORD, lead me in Your righteousness because of my foes; Make Your way straight before me.

Psalm 5:8(NASB)

Verse of the Day

King David was not exempt from the trials and tribulations that come from living in a fallen world. He had to deal with painful problems from his own rebellions children. He had to deal with passions of the flesh, lustings of the eye, and the snare that human pride brings in its wake. He had a family that scoffed at him, friends who betrayed him, a wife who scorned him, enemies who hated him, and some who even wished him dead - but David also trusted in the Lord his God.

David was a man after God's own heart for one reason only: He trusted in the Lord his God and believed all that God promised in His Word. And David sought a deep and lasting relationship with the Saviour of his soul.

David sought the Lord in the early hours or the morning, and he ran quickly to the Lord for the refuge and strength that he needed as he faced the challenges of everyday life. David discovered the loneliness of a man when sin is allowed to fester and grow in the heart, but he also discovered the freedom and joy of sins confessed and sins forgiven.

And no matter what difficulties and dangers he faced, we always discover David crying out to the Lord in prayer: "Lead me, O Lord in Your righteousness because of my foes," was his oft repeated plea: "Make Your way straight before my path." And in the difficulties and dangers he faced, David prayed for guidance and justice, he sought God's help and strength, and he asked for the blessing of the Lord for himself and for others.

None of us are exempt from the trials, tribulations, and temptations of life, nor are we immune to the disappointments, discouragements, and dangers that we may meet. But we all have the choice to become a man or woman after God's own heart by trusting Him in every eventuality of life, by beginning each day in prayer and praise, and by engaging in ongoing fellowship with our Father in heaven.

The consequences of living in a sinful world are pain and sorrow, but from the time that we wake until the moment our head touches the pillow in the night-time hours, we have a choice to seek the Lord in all things and to submit to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Let us choose to walk in spirit and truth all the days of our life, to depend on the Lord from morning 'til night, to submit our lives to the guidance of the Spirit of God, and to pray: "Lead me in Your righteousness; make Your way straight before my face."

May our prayer be: "Thy will not mine be done," as we face the challenges of life, in this Christ-rejecting, sinful world.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, lead me in Your righteous ways, for I have many enemies and some who wish me evil. Make Your way straight before my face, I pray, and may Your will not mine be done, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.

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