He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; Many will see and fear And will trust in the LORD.
Psalm 40:3(NASB)
Psalm 40 is a wonderful song of thanksgiving and praise for deliverance from the snare of sin and for God's gracious gift of salvation. It stresses the need to seek the Lord in our distress, and to wait patiently for the One Who is able to save to the uttermost all those that draw near unto Him. It was David who cried out to the Lord in his distress, and it was David who rejoiced that the Lord put a new song in his mouth, a song of praise to our God, a song that would cause many to see, and to fear, and to put their trust in Him.
Throughout his life, David experienced God's deliverance. As a young man, the Lord saved him from a lion, a bear, and the great Philistine warrior, Goliath. But as he journeyed through life, the Lord continued to rescue him from many distresses and attempts on his life. God heard his cries of distress and cries to be rescued from his enemies, and without fail, the Lord delivered His servant from numerous enemies and established His servant. This caused David to rejoice in songs of praise which in turn encouraged others to see the wonderful works of God and restore their own failing faith in their God.
There are many good songs that we sing to the Lord about the great mercies He has shown us over the years and His wonderful grace to us as we journey through our lives. But His mercies are new every morning, and His loving-kindness is demonstrated in multiple ways with every passing day, and so it is appropriate that we also sing new songs of praise and thanksgiving that rejoice in God, our Saviour. It is especially relevant when we have had to wait patiently for an answer to our prayer, as did David, or when God has graciously delivered us in ways that so often exceed our expectations or imagination.
His grace is sufficient for every event and eventuality that we may encounter in life, and how fitting it is for us to sing a new song of praise for His fresh deliverance and the never-failing demonstrations of His power and wisdom. It is right and proper that we joyfully sing the old songs that tell out His miraculous conception and birth, His Word of truth that has rejoiced our soul, His sacrificial death, glorious Resurrection, spectacular Ascension, and the blessed hope we have in His soon return.
We should always be ready to sing a new song of praise to our God for the blessings we experience day by day, and for the numerous occasions when we have waited patiently for Him to move and experienced amazing answers to our desperate prayers. And what a blessing to know that many will see the wonderful works of God in our lives, be encouraged to look to Jesus for deliverance in their lives, and to place their trust in Him.
It is good and right that we rejoice in the Lord with songs of praise and never fail to fashion new and resounding songs in our hearts and mouths that honour the God Who has redeemed us from the horrible pit, rescued us from the miry clay, set our feet upon a rock, and established our goings-out and our comings-in.
Heavenly Father, thank You for all You have done in my life, all You are doing, and for the many precious promises that I see being fulfilled as I journey through this troublesome world. Help me bring all my cares and concerns to You in never-ceasing prayers and intercessions, and help me to wait patiently for You to act on my behalf. Keep me ever rejoicing in Your ongoing mercy and grace, and to sing new songs of praise and thanksgiving for Your manifold goodness and grace. I pray that my life may be a testimony to others of Your never-failing mercies and bring many more to faith in You, as they witness You working in the lives of Your servants. This I ask in Jesus' name, AMEN.
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