What Does Psalm 116:12 Mean?

How can I repay the Lord all the good He has done for me?

Psalm 116:12(HCSB)

Verse of the Day

The Psalmist expresses his love for the Lord because God hears and answers His children when they call to Him. In his song of praise, he recalls the many troubles and sorrows he has already encountered and how gracious and compassionate the Lord has been to him. The Lord heard his cry for help and the Lord rescued him from death and despair. And as the Psalmist remembers the merciful kindness and patient grace of the Lord towards him, he cries out, "How can I repay the LORD for all the good He has done for me? What can I give to the LORD for all he has done for me? What shall I render to the LORD For all His benefits toward me?"

The Psalmist knew, as we do, that there is nothing that we can do to repay the Lord for all His grace and love towards us. There is no payment or reward that we can offer to God that could pay Him back all the wonderful things He has done for us. There is nothing we can do, but we can offer Him our sacrifice of praise. We can pour out our heart of gratitude to Him for our great salvation. We can tell others of the wonders of His grace and mercy, and we can seek to do His will with a willing and obedient heart that is overflowing with love for our gracious Saviour.

Oh! God is never influenced by man's foolish attempts to recompense Him for what He has freely given us as an eternal gift of grace. There is nothing we can do to repay the Lord for all His goodness and loving-kindness He has shown towards us, but we can live a life that is pleasing to Him by trusting His Word and seeking in all that we say and do to live a godly life, to walk in spirit and truth, submitted to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and letting the love of Christ shine through us in thought and deed, to the glory of the Father.

My Prayer

My dear loving Heavenly Father, I just want to thank You for loving me so much that You sent Your Son to die for me so that I might live with You forever. Thank You, Father, for the innumerable ways that You demonstrate Your love, protection, and provision toward me. I pray that I may have an attitude of gratitude toward You in all I say and do so that You are praised and glorified in my life. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

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