For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,
Romans 8:38(NASB)
The inexpressible depth of God's love towards condemned mankind was demonstrated when He sent the Lord Jesus to be our Saviour, Who took the punishment for our sin on Calvary's cross. This was a plan that was conceived in the heart of God in eternity past, and a plan that will have its consummation in the eternal ages to come - when Christ is all in all.
The eternal Son of God was the only possible sacrifice for the sin of mankind and He became the chosen Lamb - slain from the foundation of the world, to be mans' substitute for sin. Christ's redeeming blood is sufficient to deal with the penalty and power of sin and death - a satanic power that has enslaved humanity since Adam's fall - but all who trust in Him for salvation will be saved.
Having laid out everyman's depravity, everyman's rebellion against God, and the total inability of every man to save himself from the eternal consequences of sin, and having condemned the wicked man, the religious man, and the man that is moral, we discover that all are equally under God's wrath. All are under His condemnation, and all are separated from God by sin. Everyone born of a woman is under the sentence of death.
However, Paul then contrasts the sin of man, with the goodness of God... the sinfulness of Adam with the righteousness of Christ. Paul lays out the most comprehensive and thorough presentation of the gospel over the next few chapters of this glorious epistle, unfolding the pivotal doctrines of justification, and sanctification for all, who by grace through faith will trust in Christ as their sin-substitute.
Having laid out the most comprehensive presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Paul finally reaches his joyful conclusion with the most astonishing promise and wonderful truth that is given to all who believe - that nothing can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord - nothing visible or invisible, nothing in the physical realm or the spiritual sphere, nothing in the heavens above, the earth beneath, or in the waters under the earth can separate us from God's gracious and everlasting love.
Nothing past or present or future can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Nothing, whether it is something good or something evil, no wicked scheme of Satan, and no mean manipulations of man can disconnect us from our Redeemer. Nothing created in time, and nothing lodged in space... including death and hell, can come between us and our heavenly Lord. Nothing can snatch us out of our Father's hand and nothing can remove us from the nail-pierced hands of our Saviour, Who holds us securely, through time and into eternity.
Nothing created by God and nothing imagined by man has the power to remove His blood-bought children from God's inexpressible love and His eternally secure promises, which are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord - and I am persuaded too! Some foolishly suggest that we can lose our salvation, by disengaging ourselves from our Father's hands and stepping away from our position in Christ - but the Bible makes it very clear that nothing - absolutely nothing, created in the mortal realm or spiritual sphere... including ourselves, can separate us from God's love for His blood-bought children.
Not even those that are redeemed can separate themselves from His loving care, because Jesus Christ, Himself has secured our salvation forever, through His sacrifice on the cross. Salvation is the work of God in us. Salvation is not something we can get for ourselves. Good works and charitable deeds cannot earn salvation. Bad works and ungodly activities cannot negate the gift God has given us, through Jesus Christ His Son. While we can lose our heavenly rewards, become a carnal Christian, remain a baby believer through our Christian life, and not mature in the faith. NOTHING can separate us from God's love.
Even when we turn from our Lord, leave our first love, or are unfaithful towards Him - HE remains faithful to His promises, for God cannot deny Himself. He cannot contradict His Word, which reminds us that nothing can separate us from Him - "For I am convinced," Paul wrote, "I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Thank You, Father, that nothing at all can ever separate me from Your amazing love and eternal grace, which is in Christ Jesus my Lord. Sometimes, I imagine things that will separate me from You, and yet Your Word clearly tells me that there is nothing at all that can remove me from my position in Christ Jesus. Help me to accept this truth in my heart today, and never more doubt Your love for me. In Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN.
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