Paul spent the first couple of chapters in his epistle to the Romans explaining that all people, both Jew and Gentile alike, are unrighteous sinners who fall short of the glory of God, that none are good or deserve preferential treatment in the eyes of God, and that all need a Saviour. He warned that we are all under God's righteous condemnation and that we all need to be redeemed by the blood of God's only begotten Son Whose shed blood alone is the only acceptable read more...
When truth is denied, disbelieved, discarded, distrusted, or treated with distain, it does not alter the truth.
Truth is truth, and the ungodly, secular world-view that has flooded governmental corridors of power, our educational institutions, society at large, and even elements within the Christian Church, dictates that truth is relative. But nothing in heaven above, the earth beneath, or the waters under the earth, can demolish read more...
Whether Jew or Gentile, all men are guilty sinners and under God's eternal judgement UNLESS they are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. All are at enmity with their Creator and bound for the lake of fire UNTIL they are saved by faith in Him. There is nothing Jew or Gentile can do to get right with God without trusting in Christ's sacrificial offering of Himself on Calvary's Cross. No man can be saved because of his birthright, bank balance, talents, read more...
As we read through the first few chapters of Romans, we see Paul developing his watertight reasoning, where he exposes the depravity of every man and presents the truth - that the entire human race stands guilty before God. Paul not only deals with the depravity of the immoral man, the hypocrisy of the principled person, and the arrogance of religious people, but he also addresses the twisted and perverted guilt of those that mock the truth of the glorious gospel read more...
In his letter to the Romans, Paul sets out the most exhaustive essay on salvation and covers every question or query that might be raised by both unbelieving skeptics and maturing believers alike.
In chapter 3, he presents the most comprehensive arguments against Jewish objections to Christianity, and in the early verses of this chapter, he addresses the righteousness of God's judgements and our being justified, freely, by His read more...
Whether Jew or Gentile, male or female, young or old, rich or poor, most people delight to think of themselves as worthy in the sight of God and of greater merit than other people. Most consider themselves deserving of heaven and that they are a little more principled, and a little more virtuous than the rest of humanity.
But Paul outlines God's condemnation of the intent of man's heart. He details in sober terms the inner read more...
Paul's letter to the Romans is the most comprehensive treaties on the state of fallen humanity. It brings us to the shocking realisation that our unrighteousness is exposed by His righteousness and our depravity is magnified by God's perfect goodness. It teaches the stark truth that all sinners, whether Jew or Gentile, are under the wrath of God and that we need a Saviour to save us from our sin.
Paul makes it very clear that no
The most structured and comprehensive revelation of God's redemptive plan for mankind, is found in the epistle of Romans. Every aspect of our great salvation is systematically and logically set out for our learning, from the very beginning of the book.
Paul is not ashamed of the gospel of God's grace. He knows that it is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe. However, before detailing the differences between read more...
Romans is the book that systematically exposes the sinfulness of fallen man, in order to reveal the perfect righteousness of our eternal God. From the middle of chapter 3, we are led through a treasure trove of God's infinite righteousness which is revealed through a single man – the Lord Jesus Christ.
The earlier chapters lay a trail of man's sinfulness, and establish many reasons for the eternal condemnation of all men – for all have sinned and all read more...
For over two chapters, Paul has been laying the logical foundation that the whole world stands guilty before a holy God: "For there is none righteous, not even one," for all have gone astray, all are under condemnation, all are deserving of death, and all are in need of salvation.
The Gentiles refused to acknowledge the Lord despite the glorious testimony of His magnificent creation and in spite of the inner witness of read more...
There are many places throughout Scripture where we are informed of the righteousness of God. God is holy, and God is perfect, God is pure and God is righteous. God desires that we too are righteous, and Scripture testifies of this fact from start to finish.
Before the full and final revelation of God's righteousness was revealed through the Gospels and made manifest in the face of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Bible testified of read more...
The sinful nature of the entire human race stands in stark contrast with the infinite righteousness of the eternal God. Humanity's depravity is systematically laid out in the first three chapters of Romans, and Paul makes it crystal clear that there is no-one who is righteous, all are under sin, and no one is exempt from the condemnation and wrath of God.
Until Christ came into the world, righteousness was displayed through the read more...
The universal truth that ALL have sinned and ALL fall short of the glory of God applies to every member of humanity - no one is exempt. Not only are we condemned for sins of the flesh, like murder and adultery.. we are also condemned for our prideful thoughts, works of the flesh, self-righteous attitudes, and failure to love the Lord our God with all our heart, and honour Him as we ought.
This is quite a shocking concept to the
The only way that man can be justified and made right with God is through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The only way that man can have his sins forgiven and be redeemed from sin, death and hell is because Christ Jesus paid the price in full.
The only way man can have his unrighteousness replaced with the righteousness of God is by being born from above and positioned in Christ.
God in His love did not immediately condemn the entire human race when Adam sinned. Instead, He presented Jesus as our sacrifice for sin. Because the eternal God became perfect man and lived a life that was pleasing to the Father, He was qualified to die a death that took the punishment for the full measure of humanities wicked ways so that people are declared 'righteous' because of His blood that was shed on their behalf.
God is deeply offended by sin, and sinful man must be punished. Indeed, the wrath of God must be poured out on all sin, which is why mankind seeks to appease God's wrath by offering gifts and sacrifices, by trying to do good works and kind deeds. Many spend their whole life working by the sweat of their own brow in a futile attempt to get right with God. But man is totally incapable of satisfying the justice that a righteous God demands and so by his own means, read more...
God cannot and will not go against the laws and principles that He set by His mighty will and eternal wisdom. God will never violate His own nature. God is loving and merciful, He is abounding in tender-kindness, and desires to forgive sinners, but God is also holy and righteous. He is just and unchanging, and God must uphold His holy laws and His just decrees which He Himself established in the beginning. A holy and righteous God MUST punish sin.
God is the Source and Giver of wisdom. Paul, as led by the Holy Spirit, argues logically and unquestionably that man is unrighteous, unprofitable, deceitful, destructive, and ungodly by nature.
Paul continues to explain that the justice of God demands that full payment be made for the sin of every man, and the wages of sin is death. He testifies that there is only one road to redemption. He warns that there is only one way by read more...
For three chapters, Paul has been expounding the logical argument that man is a sinner in need of a Saviour. Whether Jew or Gentile, bond or free, rich or poor, male or female, everyone is lost in their sins, wallowing in prideful rebellion against their Creator, born dead in trespasses and sins, eternally estranged from God, and in desperate need of a Redeemer.
Having come to the point of confessing that we all have sinned and read more...
It is by God's grace that we have been saved, and it is because God is both merciful and righteous that Christ had to die to pay the price for our sin. We were lost in sin and separated from God, but Jesus took the full punishment for our sin. No man who has been saved by grace has any occasion to boast. Our salvation is totally provided and paid for by God Himself. Man can add nothing to Christ's finished work and not one of us can do anything to merit God's read more...
There is one Lord Who is God of all creation, and the offer of salvation, which He provides by faith in the sacrificial death and glorious resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, is equally available to all people, Jew and Gentile, black and white, free or in bondage, male and female, young and old... for all have sinned and all fall far short of the glory of God and the godly perfection He requires.
When man fell, God set in
The focal point of the gospel of God is Jesus Christ, and how to be saved is the single, most important truth a sinner needs to know. Justification by faith in Christ is the one and only way to God... for the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe.
Paul laid emphasis for the best part of three chapters in his epistle to the Romans, on man's terrible guilt and need for salvation. All men need the read more...