Being saved by grace through faith in Christ, unlocks the door to a myriad of blessings for each believer. Sometimes we are unaware of the abundant blessings that have become ours at the point of our salvation and sometimes it takes time to become aware of all the gifts of grace that have been bountifully bestowed upon us, in Christ Jesus. One of the many important free gifts of God's grace to all believers is that we are justified, we are made right with God, we read more...
How we rejoice in Jesus, Who is our risen, ascended, and glorified Lord! Three of His disciples glimpsed the brilliance of His glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth, when He was transfigured before their startled gaze. And the eyes of the apostle Paul were blinded by the dazzling glory of the Lord on the dusty road to Damascus.
As the redeemed of God and fellow-heirs with Christ, we are, by grace read more...
As members of the Body of Christ, we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing. Indeed, a thorough study of New Testament Scripture shows that there are hundreds of verses that remind us of who we are in Christ and what God has done for the born-again believer.
We are set apart unto God and we have become kings and priests. We are called to holiness, and we are accepted in the Beloved. We are not of this world but have read more...
Because we are already justified, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. And because we have peace with the Father we have gained access, by that faith, into the grace into which we have been established. What a privileged people we are! This enables us to grow in grace, mature in our Christian life, and rejoice in the established hope we have in Jesus.
Not only do the glories
A worldly hope is founded on irrational thinking, empty vanity, a humanistic philosophy, and man's deceitfully-inspired prospects, resulting in disappointments, frustration, confusion, and shame. But Christian hope is founded on an altogether different principle, which is rooted in God's trustworthy goodness and the gracious promises of our Heavenly Father. Christian hope is centred on the never-failing Word of God and His many precious promises, which read more...
Paul's passion is to share the good news of justification by grace in simple steps, which gently leads to a conclusion. He explains that having been eternally saved by grace, we should glory in the trials and tribulations of life which God uses to develop in us perseverance, a godly character, and an unshakable and eternal hope in the loving promises of God.
The precious promises of God are poured into our hearts by the Spirit, read more...
There is no greater demonstration of perfect love than that which was shown in the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, for it was while we were still ungodly and unrighteous sinners who were dead in trespasses and hostile towards God, that Christ died for us. And the efficacious nature of that sacrificial love-gift is as potent today as it was when Christ shouted out in triumph: "It is finished."
The substantial
God gave His Son to die for us as the payment for our sins and to break the power of the old sin nature within our hearts. Even before we were born, before we ever trusted Christ as Saviour, Christ died for sinners.
He did not wait until sinners believed in Him to die for them. Christ died for us while we were still sinners. He died for us before we were saved, while we were still dead in trespasses and sins, while we were still read more...
Having led us step by step to the realisation that we are all unrighteous sinners in need of a Saviour, and having made it crystal clear that we are saved as a gift of God's grace through faith in the unchangeable Word of truth, Paul guides us through the meaning of justification (which means being declared righteous by God through faith in Christ), and he outlines reasons why we can only be proclaimed righteous by faith in Christ alone, and not because of our own read more...
Having laid the indestructible foundation that sinful man is irrefutably lost and at enmity with God through rebellion and sin, and having proved that all humanity have fallen far short of the glorious perfection that God expects from His creation, Paul jubilantly proclaims the triumphant victory of Christ's finished work on the Cross, over Adam's sin and our inherent sin nature.
Although sin caused us to be weak and powerless to read more...
Had it not been for the Cross of Christ, the curse of the Law and God's condemnation would have remained on the entire sinful race of humanity. Had it not been that the world was reconciled back to God through Christ, we would have remained estranged forever from the One Who created us in His own image. But it is God in His grace Who reconciled the world back to Himself, through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
The absolute
The condemnation we have in Adam is starkly contrasted with the justification we receive from Christ. The disobedience of Adam's rebellion, which resulted in man's misery, has death as its final outcome. However, forgiveness of sins and eternal life is the result of Christ's obedience on the Cross; and this is the glorious conclusion for all who will trust on His name.
As the federal head of the old creation in Adam, the entire read more...
In Romans 5, Paul moves from God's case against unbelieving sinners and their need to be justified by faith (born-again), to the overwhelming benefits of the justified man who is positioned in Christ. He lists many of the privileges that are ours in Him which include peace with God, access to the Father, His abundant grace, and the exultant hope we have in Christ.
The Lord Jesus not only saved us by His blood, but has delivered us read more...
Adam was the federal head of the whole human race, and death prevailed because of his one sin. Due to Adam's single transgression, all mankind was placed under condemnation and death, which became the just reward for all. Adam's sin caused the fall of humanity, and sin and death was imputed to mankind.
God did not give His perfect Law to Israel until many centuries later, and from its establishment it was a school-master to point read more...
Men do not become sinners by sinning... but as members of the human race, we are sinners by birth. We were born in sin and the wages of sin is death. We are born with a sin nature because we are of the ancestry of Adam. It was because of his one transgression that death entered the world, causing death to be passed on to all humanity.
Adam sinned, and where there is sin there is death. It was this read more...
The wages of sin is death, and Adam's one transgression brought condemnation upon the entire human race. Adam was the federal head created in the image of God, but because of his one act of disobedience, the whole of humanity was placed under God's righteous judgment; and the wages of sin is death.
The shocking truth about Adam's sin is that every person in the human race is born spiritually dead in trespasses and sin; read more...
Adam was the federal head of the human race, but his single sinful act brought condemnation upon the entire human race. Because of his one offense, all his offspring are born in sin, and that single transgression separated every one of Adam's descendants from fellowship with God and sentenced each one of us to death. Adam's one offense placed every member of the human race under the fierce condemnation and justified judgement of God: "For... by the read more...
Paul draws a contrast between the actions of Adam and Christ. He also outlines the outcome of the actions of these two men. He compares the man that disobeyed God's command with the One that obeyed His Word - contrasting the one that sinned against God with the One that did only those things that He heard from His Father in heaven.
It was the result of one act of disobedience, which was carried out by Adam that condemned the read more...
There is much confusion about the consequences of Adam's sin as it relates to the Law of Moses - until one accepts that the root of all sin is traced back to Adam's one, original sin which brought death into the world. People generally believe that man is basically good, while the doctrine of original sin teaches that man is inherently bad - because of our identity with sinful Adam.
To believe that humanity is
When Adam sinned, death came into the world. But until the Law was given through Moses... over 2000 years later, death continued to reign in the lives of all men - even though man had been given no specific laws to keep or any specific criteria for righteousness. Every man however, had a conscience and knew in their heart those things that were good and that which was evil.
The perfect Law of God came in later and was given to read more...