But do you suppose this, O man, when you pass judgment on those who practice such things and do the same yourself, that you will escape the judgment of God?
Romans 2:3(NASB)
God is a God of love, but He is also a God of judgement and a God of truth. As Judge of the world, His judgment is based on the truth of Who He is; perfect in character, holy in nature, gracious in disposition, and all His ways are righteous and trustworthy.
Irrespective of what self-righteous sinners think of their own moral conduct in comparison with others, God makes it plain that there is no distinction between sinners. Whether they be Jew or Gentile, male or female, young or old, rich or poor, for all have fallen short of God's glory and all have to be judged against God's perfect standard, which is Jesus Christ our Lord.
God does not judge anyone by man's own imperfect standard and unrighteous behaviour, however moral or seemingly respectable their conduct may appear to others. God judges all men against the righteousness of His only begotten Son, in accordance with truth.
Sinner and saved alike should never self-righteously point the finger of accusation against the sin of others, for all sin in God's eyes is equally detestable to Him and is equally deserving of eternal damnation. The deceitful heart of man delights to judge his own 'goodness' against the 'evil' actions of his fellow men, but God remains true to His immovable standard of truth and righteousness, rendering man's judgement of others to become man's own accuser.
We who are saved by grace through faith in the shed blood of Christ Jesus, have no right to consider ourselves superior to unsaved humanity, for our heinous sin put Christ on the Cross, and the inestimable price of our sin was paid for at Calvary. We were purchased by God, and the redemption price that was paid was the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
He saved us, not because of the righteous things we have done, but because of His own mercy. He washed away our sins by faith in Christ's righteousness and not due to any merit on our behalf, and the more we accusingly decry the sinful acts of others, the more we condemn ourselves.
Let us take this warning to heart and live our life in praise and thanksgiving for what Christ has done for us. Let us seek to share the good news of the gospel of grace with many who remain dead in their sins and under God's righteous condemnation.
Heavenly Father, I am not worthy to gather up the crumbs under Your table and yet You died for me so that my sin and guilt might be washed away and I might stand perfect in Your sight. Forgive me for the self-righteous attitude I have shown against sinners who are dead in their trespasses and needing Your salvation. Give me a heart to share the truth of salvation, by grace through faith in Christ, with all whom I come in contact. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.
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