Romans 15 Devotional Commentary

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  • Romans 15
Romans 15:3

Romans 15:3

Paul has pointed to Christ as the eternal God and perfect Man in the book of Romans. He lead us through the doctrines of predestination and election, justification and sanctification, the old sin nature and the new creation in Christ, the flesh and the spirit - law and grace. Paul was most thorough in his outstanding epistle to systematically set out every aspect of Church-age doctrine.. so that we have no doubt that we are saved by grace through faith in read more...

Romans 15:4

Romans 15:4

God is omniscient and we are not. God is an eternal Being Who is holy and good.. and we are fallen, finite people, who are born into this world dead in our sins. But God in His goodness and grace gave us ways and means to discover much about Who He is.. His character; His Tri-unity; His Person, His ultimate plans and His wonderful purposes for the redemption of mankind - so that we might have hope.. an assured hope and a glorious hope - a blessed hope in Christ read more...

Romans 15:8

Romans 15:8

How could it be that the great God of the universe Who made heaven and earth and all that is in them, humbled Himself and became a servant to Israel? How is it that the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent Lord of all, became a minister to the Jewish nation?

How could it be that God's Anointed, Who is above all, over-all, and sustains all, could place Himself in a position of such inferiority towards His own people? How could it be read more...

Romans 15:13

Romans 15:13

The God of Hope - Oh what a glorious title and beautiful theme for the triune God Who, in singleness of purpose, is pledged to fill us with all joy, peace, love, and hope, when we simply trust in the pure gospel of the Son of His love. God is no respecter of persons and the joy and peace in believing in Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting is for Jew and Gentile alike. The glorious hope we have in Him is for bond and free, male read more...

Romans 15:16

Romans 15:16

Paul, who was a minister of the gospel of Christ Jesus, longed to know more and more of his Saviour and Lord. Paul's passion was to carry out the responsibility to which God had called him; emphasising His deity through the title 'Christ' and His humanity through the name He was given, 'Jesus'. But Paul also had a dear desire to be a blessing to his brothers in Christ, no matter where he went. Paul was a man who was full of the Holy Spirit, but he was also a man read more...

Romans 15:30

Romans 15:30

Paul longed to visit the Christians at Rome but never managed to take the journey until he was brought there in chains and imprisoned, awaiting a Roman trial. However, the letter he wrote to this little community presents the most thorough and comprehensive treaties of the gospel.

Paul may not have understood why his plans to visit Rome were always prevented by the Holy Spirit, but we recognise his Roman epistle to be one of the read more...

Romans 15:33

Romans 15:33

Peace is one of many beautiful characteristics that are manifested as fruit of the Spirit in the life of a believer who is growing in grace and being conformed into the image and likeness of Jesus. Each godly attribute is part of a believer's garment of righteousness, when walking in spirit and truth.

Peace is one of the most precious qualities of the soul, for a peaceful spirit is very precious in read more...