There is not even the slightest, tiny crumb of condemnation at all those who are in Christ Jesus - those in UNION with Christ - those that have been placed IN Christ at rebirth - those who have been born-again - those that have been sealed by the Spirit - those that have trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
The judgement that we rightly deserve has already been paid in FULL with the blood of the Lord Jesus. Our read more...
The failure of Romans 7, which came by carrying out works of the flesh in his own strength, ended in defeat for Paul who cried out: "Oh wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from this body of death?" (i.e. the old sin nature). But his defeat blossomed into the liberation of chapter 8 with a shout of victory and thankful praise: "No condemnation! For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of read more...
The perfection of God and His perfect Law cannot be carried out by imperfect man in the power of his fallen flesh, for the old sin nature dictates that we are sinners and sinners cannot achieve perfection. The bitter truth is that the soul that sins shall die – and all have sinned and so all have fallen short of God's perfection and are deserving of death, for the wages of sin is death.
But God in His grace has done for
The habits that we set up in our thinking, develop a fixed mental attitude which pre-determines the way that we respond to life-situations - a mind-set that influences our reactions to the circumstances that touch our lives, a disposition that constructs a set of self-imposed values and perceptions about God (and other people) that may be twisted or false, unless they are founded upon the truth.
The mind-set of the unsaved can
As members of the fallen race of humanity, we were born with a fallen nature and a carnal mind that can never, ever please God, for the thoughts and the intention of man's fallen nature are only evil continuously. There is nothing in fallen man that can ever please God, and even good deeds that impress other people are not pleasing to the Lord. The unbeliever has a fallen, carnal nature, and the natural, unsaved man is dead in his sins and at enmity with God.
read more...One of the mysteries that was hidden for ages and generations but which was revealed to Paul for Church age believers is the indwelling Holy Spirit of Christ for all who are saved by grace through faith in Him. How astonishing that our body has become a temple of the Spirit of God by faith, and that we have the resurrected Spirit of Christ dwelling in our heart, living in our body, empowering us to live godly in Christ Jesus, and enabling us to live as God designed read more...
Romans carefully and systematically spells out every aspect of our great salvation; the universal sinfulness of man, our individual need of a Saviour, the terms and conditions of redemption, and what it means to be justified, sanctified, resurrected, and glorified. It details the beautiful harmony of New Testament revelation with the Old, and identifies the Person of Christ; His work, His sacrifice, and His victory.
It tells of
The eighth chapter of Romans begins in no condemnation and concludes in glory, and in this beautiful passage we are gently led into a fuller understanding of the wonderful ministry of the Holy Spirit that takes place in the life of a believer.
First, we rejoice that He liberates us from the Old Testament Law and the inner flesh.
Next, we discover that the work of the Spirit in our lives is in read more...
When we were released from the slavery of Satan's dark kingdom of sin, death, and fear, we were transferred into God's kingdom of life and light, hope and freedom. The spirit of slavery that entrapped us in doubt, darkness, and deep depression is replaced at rebirth by the permanently indwelling Spirit of God, but too often we do not appropriate what is ours by grace through faith and we retain a spirit of fear because we fail to believe the truth of God's read more...
Man is made up of body, soul, and spirit, and the human spirit of man is that inner part of our being that communes with the Father. Only believers have a living regenerated spirit that can have fellowship with the Father and abide in Christ, for unsaved man remains spiritually dead in trespasses and sins, without God and without hope in the world.
The indwelling Holy Spirit of God was given to each regenerated child of God at read more...
The gift of God to all that are born from above into the family of God is that we become God's very own children. We are elevated into the irrevocable position of children of God by His grace, simply because we chose to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. And because of our positional status in Him, we are given a further, unmerited glorious gift of grace – we are elevated into the position of co-heir with the Messiah, fellow-heir with Christ, joint-heir with read more...
The world in which we live is a fallen world; a place of sufferings and trials, and a time of heartaches and problems; a life of difficulties and sickness, and a season of disappointments and death.
Afflictions and anguish stalk our path like a hungry pack of jackals and they are no respecter of persons or position, clime or creed, wise or foolish, young or old, believer or unbeliever. And if this were all that life offered to read more...
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and all that He made was good. Finally, He made man in His own image and likeness to rule over God's earthly kingdom – to till it, to care for it, to make it fruitful, and to use it as nourishment: "God saw all that He had made and it was very good."
But man sinned, which resulted in the earth being cursed so as to bring forth thorns and thistles, for man must read more...
There is no more beautiful name than the lovely name of the Lord Jesus. In Hebrew His name is Joshua, which means 'the Lord is salvation', and His life and death was poured out to pay the price for humanity's sin: sins past, sins present, and sins yet to be committed. But here we read that His name shall be called Jesus, because He was the One to save His people from their sins. His people are in fact the Jewish nation, the people of Israel.
What a dismal, desolate, distressing, and despairing world we live in. This sad state of affairs was implemented because Adam, who was the federal head of the very race that was made in God's lovely image, disobeyed his Creator's instructions and wilfully sinned.
But man's sin not only brought a curse upon humanity as a whole, but on the animals, birds, fish, flowers, and fauna alike. The very earth was cursed as God's entire read more...
Creation has been groaning since it was first cursed, when sin entered the world because of man's disobedience and defiance of God. But the day is fast approaching when the earth will be filled with the glory of God and His healing touch will stream out to beautify a broken earth and renew its original glory. And God has set an appointed time when the curse will be lifted, which is linked to His plans and purposes for humanity in general and the Christian Church read more...
As children of God, we have been born from above and have a new human spirit, our new life in Christ. Before we were born again, we had a spirit that was dead in trespasses and sins, but when we accepted Christ as our Saviour we were given a new life in Christ, a new, free, human spirit which is able to commune with His Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth. This is why as children of God we should live our life in spirit and in truth so read more...
God ordained His redemptive plan and purpose in the eternal council chambers of heaven before the foundation of the world. That plan is a good plan, a perfect plan, a plan which will come to fruition when Christ is all in all. A plan where God is working all things together for His own glory and for the eternal good of all who trust Him as Saviour (those that are called according to His purpose, for we are all part of His perfect plan).
In this glorious passage, our eternal security is reiterated, we are assured that there is no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus, and we are told that all things work together for good to those that love God and are the called according to His good purpose. We then arrive at the pinnacle of God's promises to us: "Those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed into the image of His Son so that the Lord Jesus would be the firstborn read more...
God knows the end from the beginning. He understands the secrets of the heart and the prayers we will utter before they are formed in our minds. God knows the decisions we will make in our lives before we were even conceived in our mothers' womb. God foreknows all those who are His children, because God knows the freewill choices that we will make, long before we do. God's knowledge is based on His omniscience wisdom: "Those He foreknew, He also read more...
In the preceding verses of his epistle to the Romans, Paul expounds the most extraordinary position, unsurpassed privileges, and catalogue of blessings that belong to every believer in Christ. We, who deserve punishment, are justified, sanctified, and glorified, by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, simply because we have trusted Him as our Saviour.
We have been bought with a price and transferred from the kingdom of darkness read more...
In the light of the staggering truth of this magnificent verse of Scripture, we should never doubt God's depth of love towards us and the enormous gift of grace He has bestowed on all who trust in the Son of His Love: "He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him graciously give us all things?" Amazing love! Amazing grace! Amazing truth! Amazing God!
The glory that is
Too many Christians have not come to the glorious freedom offered in the Word of God by the God of grace, because they have a wrong perception of God Himself. Christians are God's chosen people, His children. They are a new creation in Christ, and they have been called and chosen to be His sons and daughters simply because they believe on the only begotten Son of God and the finished work of salvation that was carried out by Him, on Calvary's Cross.
There are so many passages in the wonderful book of Romans where we are reminded of our deliverance from bondage, our victory in Christ, and that there is absolutely no condemnation whatsoever to those that are in Christ Jesus, for every one that trusts in God's only beloved Son as Saviour, will never be condemned but receive life eternal. If only we would believe this truth to the uttermost. If only we would trust all that the Word of God says!
Our outstanding joy, eternal hope, and unassailable victory is in Christ Jesus our Lord. With this in mind, after cataloging a fearsome list of the most traumatic circumstances that may impact our lives or afflict us in the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms, and having proclaimed that nothing can separate us from Christ's love (including tribulation and distress, famine and nakedness, peril, persecution, and death), Paul emphatically declares that we are read more...
The inexpressible depth of God's love towards condemned mankind was demonstrated when He sent the Lord Jesus to be our Saviour, Who took the punishment for our sin on Calvary's cross. This was a plan that was conceived in the heart of God in eternity past, and a plan that will have its consummation in the eternal ages to come - when Christ is all in all.
The eternal Son of God was the only possible sacrifice for the sin of read more...
For eight long and intense chapters, Paul takes us step by step from the utter depravity of all mankind and the eternal consequences of sin, which is alienation from God, to the good news of the amazing gospel of grace and the final glorious outcome for all who trust in Christ for the remission of sins.
As Paul sets out the truth of the gospel of God, he anticipates every single objection that may be formed in the minds of wicked read more...