What the law could not do since it was limited by the flesh, God did. He condemned sin in the flesh by sending His own Son in flesh like ours under sin's domain, and as a sin offering,
Romans 8:3(HCSB)
The perfection of God and His perfect Law cannot be carried out by imperfect man in the power of his fallen flesh, for the old sin nature dictates that we are sinners and sinners cannot achieve perfection. The bitter truth is that the soul that sins shall die – and all have sinned and so all have fallen short of God's perfection and are deserving of death, for the wages of sin is death.
But God in His grace has done for humanity what man, in the weakness of his fallen flesh, could never achieve. Perfect God became perfect Man, in the likeness of sinful flesh. And as the Seed of the woman and Son of the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ became Man. The one and only perfect member of the human race, was born without the fallen sinful nature of Adam's fallen race and He alone lived a perfect life, a sinless life, a life that was lived in the power of the Spirit of truth, and a life that died a perfect Man to the glory of God.
In His sinless flesh, He carried out every jot and tittle of God's perfect Law, which imperfect man could never achieve - thus Christ fulfilled all the righteous requirements of God's perfect Law on behalf of imperfect humanity.
He was made a sin offering on behalf of the human race. Christ willingly offered up His perfect life as the perfect sacrifice, to pay the perfect price that God required for the accumulated fullness of imperfect humanity's sin, and in so doing Christ condemned sin in the flesh.
The Law cannot pardon, but the Law points out sin.
The Law cannot sanctify, but the Law justly condemns.
God sending His only begotten Son in the likeness of sinful flesh achieved what the Law was unable to do.
Jesus purchased a pardon for every member of the human race, conquering sin and death, and then elevated all that would believe on His name to be children of God and joint heirs with Christ. He chose their redeemed bodies to become His eternal temple, wherein He would reside through time and into eternity.
This is the God we serve. Praise His holy name!
Heavenly Father, I worship and praise and thank You. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
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