What Does Revelation 22:13 Mean?

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

Revelation 22:13(KJV)

Verse of the Day

There are a plethora of false religions with atheistic doctrines and blasphemous accusations, that proclaim their antichrist agenda and introduce a myriad of counterfeit gods and false Christs in their attempts to defame the true and the living God. But there is only One Who is almighty to save; only ONE Who was, and Who is, and Who is to come, the Almighty. There is only One omniscient and omnipotent God Who identified Himself as: "I AM WHO I AM."

He is beyond time and space, and outside the limitation of matter and natural laws. He is Who He is, He is all we need, and in Him we live, and move, and have our being. He is our Peace and our Hope, He is our Provider and Protector, He is Life and Light, He is Shepherd and Shield, and in Him is salvation. In Him are the words of eternal life, for He alone can claim: "I AM Alpha and Omega, and I will not share My glory with another."

Throughout His life, Jesus proclaimed Himself as the Eternal Word made in human flesh. Prophets of God identified him as Immanuel, which means 'God with us'. He claimed to be the Alpha and Omega, Who was born into His Own creation. During His earthly ministry, His claims were authenticated by many signs, wonders, and prophecies of old. Every characteristic of Yahweh identified in the Old Testament was claimed by Christ during his earthly ministry, for He is Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is the Son of God and God the Son, Who became the Son of Man and our great Kinsman-Redeemer.

In Revelation, the Lord Jesus identified Himself with three synonymous titles which alone are assigned to God Almighty: "I AM Alpha and Omega. I AM the Beginning and the End. I AM the First and the Last." In making this staggering announcement, it is clear that Jesus Christ is claiming equality with the Almighty God of the Universe, for He quotes directly from Isaiah, who wrote: "Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and His Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: 'I am the First and I am the Last, and there is no God besides Me.'"

Such claims cause many to stumble at the biblical doctrine of the Trinity. There are those that deny the supreme Deity of Christ and His equality with the Father and Holy Spirit, labelling Him as a lesser and inferior god, suggesting that, like us, the Lord Jesus is a created being. This is false, unbiblical, and blasphemous. Similarly, there are those who claim that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are three separate manifestations of God; sometimes showing Himself as Father, sometimes as Son, and sometimes as Spirit, but again this denies the truth of God's Word from beginning to end. Sadly, both groups are making serious inroads into the hearts and minds of Christians who do not have a sound biblical understanding or have been incorrectly taught by liberal theologians who deny the essentials of the faith, or those that have their roots in the occult.

The truth of Scripture is that GOD is identified as being ONE God in THREE Persons. Although God is One in ESSENCE and united in WILL, He is three Persons with a clear identity, a unique role, and specific responsibilities. The Godhead; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is seen in the Bible as being unified in nature and purpose; co-equal, co-perfect, co-eternal, and consubstantial. The Lord our God is ONE God in Three Persons, and Father, Son, and Holy Spirit can equally claim: "I AM Alpha and Omega. I AM the Beginning and the End. I AM the First and the Last."

The Son of God is the unique Man Who has the authority to claim to be the Lord God Almighty, the self-existent and self-sufficient One. He is the Lord of heaven and earth Who alone is worthy of our praise, and Who is the single Person in the human race Who can declare: "I AM Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last."

Christ is the One Who was before all things, Who created all things, and Who holds all things together by the might of His power. And He will continue to BE in the eternity of eternities, long after this present creation has been folded up as a blanket, and a new heaven and a new earth is called into being, for He is the eternal Word of God Who alone boasts unassailable power and incontestable sovereignty.

He is the One that proclaims eternal holiness, immeasurable grace, irresistible wisdom, incontestable justice, and everlasting love.

This is the God in Whom we trust and He deserves all honour, might, majesty, dominion, and praise, forever and ever: "Who after supper girded Himself with a towel and began to wash His disciples' feet." This is my God, and this is your God. This is Jesus, Who alone demands our worship and praise.

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, when I truly reflect on Who You are, I am lost for words. How can it be that my dear Saviour left His heavenly throne of splendour and came to earth to suffer a life of humiliation and death, all for the love of me? Thank You, my Father, for sending Jesus to be my Saviour. Thank You, Jesus, for dying for my sin and for the gift of eternal life. You are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. May my life be filled with You and lived for Your glory, and may Your praise be on my lips forever. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

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