What Does Revelation 22:20 Mean?

He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Revelation 22:20(KJV)

Verse of the Day

Having unveiled the final revelation of Himself through a cascade of seals, trumpets, bowls of wrath, and the terrible Great White Throne judgement seat for the wicked, the Lord offers the comforting assurance to His Bride of His soon return, to set up His earthly kingdom: "Surely I come quickly," are the final words of Christ recorded in Scripture. This staggering statement was made three times in the final section of Revelation. These words of Jesus flood our heart with encouragement and assurance that His return is imminent.

The things revealed in these closing chapters of Scripture are some of the most reassuring blessings from God. We have a description of the eternal city of Jerusalem coming down from heaven, and a promise that righteousness will reign on earth. Paradise, with the tree of life and its healing river, was lost when Adam sinned, but God's amazing plan of redemption was gradually unfolded throughout Scripture, and the tree of life reappears in the book of Revelation. And He has pledged to make a new heaven and a new earth for His redeemed people, and has testified that He is coming again to bring everything to completion.

The word 'quickly' does not only mean 'straight away' or 'immediately. This word also means suddenly, unexpectedly, or unannounced. Jesus is coming back without warning; both at the Rapture (when he comes in the air for the Church), and at His return to earth at the end of the Tribulation (when he returns as King of kings to set up His Millennial kingdom).

Three times in the final section of Scripture, Jesus announces His return. I verse 7 we read: "BEHOLD, I am coming quickly, blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book." In verse 12, He states: "BEHOLD, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done." And in verse 20 we once again read: "He who testifies to these things says, 'BEHOLD, I am coming quickly.'"

"Amen!" is our rapturous reply, "Come, Lord Jesus."

When the Lord speaks, we should listen. But when the concluding verses of the entire Scripture repeat a proclamation to Christ's Church, THREE TIMES, we should be all ears and pay particular attention to what He says. We should heed His Word, obey His instructions, and make sure that we are ready for His sudden return.

Whether this is Christ's encouraging response to the pleading prayer of those Tribulation Saints that are thirsty for the water of life (at the end of the Tribulation) OR whether it is the fulfilment of His precious promise to Church-age believers, who are longing for His any-day appearance at the Rapture (before the Tribulation) or both; these final words in holy Writ should be our daily prayer and our blessed hope.

No matter what difficulties pursue our path, whatever disappointments strew our steps, whatever trouble we may have to face, and no matter what trials we may have to endure, Jesus is assuredly returning soon to put an end to His children's struggles, to close the final pages of His servants' sufferings, and to bring His reward with Him. He has promised to recompense, with bountiful gifts, each labour of love, each work of faith, each heart that is watching for His soon return, and each prayer that cries out: "Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus."

Praise God that He Who has called us and chosen us, bought us and redeemed us with His precious blood, and testifies to the truth of Scripture, has promised, "Behold, I come quickly." Should we not daily cry, 'Amen! So be it! I believe!' and mingle our voices with that of the Holy Spirit in this great closing call to Christ: "MARANATHA! Even So, Come, Lord Jesus!"

My Prayer

Heavenly Father, I am so excited as I anticipate the soon return of the Lord Jesus. I glorify Your name for Your precious reassurances that Your Word is faithful and true. I am so thankful that Jesus, Himself, testifies to these things and tells us He is coming quickly. What a blessed day that will be, when He comes to take His Bride to live with Him forever. What a wonderful promise that all tears will be wiped away and all sadness will be turned into joy. Praise Your name for this blessed assurance and for these precious final words in the Bible: "Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus." AMEN.

Choose a Verse from Revelation 22