There are a plethora of false religions with atheistic doctrines and blasphemous accusations, that proclaim their antichrist agenda and introduce a myriad of counterfeit gods and false Christs in their attempts to defame the true and the living God. But there is only One Who is almighty to save; only ONE Who was, and Who is, and Who is to come, the Almighty. There is only One omniscient and omnipotent God Who identified Himself as: "I AM WHO I read more...
The whole crux of God's plan of redemption, is that man sinned.. and the wages of sin is death, which speaks of man's spiritual separation from God, for all eternity. Death is the bitter fruit for all humanity, and there is no possible way for man to reach out and eat of the Tree of Life, which is in the paradise of God.
The only possible way for the Lord to forgive man's sin, is if a perfect, sinless man was prepared to give read more...
The book of Revelation is divided into distinct sections. The first few chapters are addressed to the Church and explain where we are in history and what is God's expectation of those that are saved, by grace through faith in Christ. John is given the important task of revealing the Person of Christ - the Lamb of God Whose sacrificial offering of Himself on the Cross is brought to a climax in this book, as He is revealed in all His might, majesty, dominion, read more...
The book of Revelation gives great hope and encouragement to the believer. It not only tells how the Lord Jesus will right all wrongs and deal with the distressing evils of this world, but it also tells of the glorious Millennial Kingdom of Christ, and provides a tiny glimpse into the eternal ages to come, when all that was lost at the fall will have finally been restored to the Father through Jesus Christ, the read more...
The story of redemption in the Bible stretches from the creation of the world to the making of a new heaven and a new earth. From the fall of the first man, Adam, who rebelled against God and whose sin caused destruction to reign upon the earth (as the icy fingers of death began to be wrapped around the throat of every man), to the coming of the prophesied Messiah; the perfect Man Who came to save His people from their sin and graciously gives the water of life read more...
Having unveiled the final revelation of Himself through a cascade of seals, trumpets, bowls of wrath, and the terrible Great White Throne judgement seat for the wicked, the Lord offers the comforting assurance to His Bride of His soon return, to set up His earthly kingdom: "Surely I come quickly," are the final words of Christ recorded in Scripture. This staggering statement was made three times in the final section of Revelation. These words of Jesus read more...
The last chapter of Revelation is also the final chapter of the Bible, where we are treated to a glimpse of the Holy City - the New Jerusalem where the shining River of Life, with its wonderful healing properties, streams forth from beneath the throne of God and of the Lamb. It was the apostle John who was given this brief look into heavenly places. He saw the Tree of Life, which speaks of restoration, with its leaves for the healing of the nations, bearing twelve read more...