The first five chapters of Revelation set the scene for the Great Tribulation (the time of Jacob's Trouble as it is often referred to in the Old Testament). This is a time when God will punish both unbelieving Israel for rebelling against Him and rejecting His Son, and the Christ-rejecting sinful nations of the world. However, God is a merciful God and this will also be a time when a multitude without number, both Jew and Gentile, will turn to Christ for read more...
Throughout the Church dispensation, God is reconciling the world to Himself, through the Church. However, during the Tribulation Period, He will once again reach a lost world, through the nation of Israel.
Once the Church has been raptured, God will continue His plan of salvation through His people, Israel. Instead of the Church proclaiming the gospel of the grace of God to a lost world, 144 thousand Jewish evangelists will start to proclaim the gospel read more...
The 70th week of Daniel heralds the prophesised Great Tribulation, which is sometimes called the 'Time of Jacob's Trouble'. It occurs after the Christian Church has been removed from the world, at the Rapture. The 70th week is the first seven years of, "the great and terrible Day of the Lord," which reaches forward into the Millennial Kingdom of Christ.
Daniel's 70th week is triggered in heaven when the Lamb on read more...