"Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.
Luke 12:27(NASB)
When we worry and fret about things, it displays a lack of faith in our heavenly Father. Frequently in Scripture, we are called upon to refrain from worry and to cast all our cares upon Him, because He cares for us. We are reminded to cast our burdens upon the Lord for He has promised to sustain us. The Lord will never allow the righteous to be shaken. The eyes of the Lord are towards the righteous because He cares for His people, and His ears are open to their cry.
We are also encouraged to think about the provision God has made for animals, and all wildlife - for birds of the air and the trees and flowers on the hillside. We read in Psalms, "He gives drink to every beast of the field and the wild donkeys quench their thirst." And in His Sermon on the Mount, He calls us to consider the birds of the air and the flowers of the field. We are to reason that IF God has provided such abundance for common little birds, and dresses insignificant, wayside flowers in such beauty, surely He will care for those who have become His children, by faith.
So often we are told in scripture to consider an issue - to contemplate it and to reflect upon it. We are to think about, mull over, meditate, and ponder a matter, in order to reach the right solution and a wise conclusion. In Matthew 12 we are encouraged to consider the lilies! "Consider the lilies, how they grow," Jesus told His disciples. "They don't toil or spin; but not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed like one of these."
What could be simpler than to consider a little wayside flower that dances in the sunlight, nods its head in the breeze, and bends its stalk with the wind, before shedding its sweet-smelling petals and hiding once again in its earthy bed - waiting for spring to call forth new shoots to declare the glory of God, and demonstrate once again the wisdom of His hand.
When we consider God's abundant provision for a simple little flower.. how foolish to be concerned about our own necessities and needs. Too often we allow our own fretful fears to overwhelm us or to morph into anguished anxieties and unnecessary worries. But in considering the insignificant life-span of a little wild lily, whose covering dress simply declares God to be its sole Creator and Provider, we are charged to cast our concerns and worries upon Him, rather than to engage in anxious pursuit of worldly wants and waste our strength in fretting about our daily needs.
The special interest and intricate care that God places on the beautiful adornment of a wild wayside flower, which blossoms today, but tomorrow quickly fades and is cast into the oven and burnt in the noonday sun, should create in us a confident trust in God's faithful provision for each of His children. If the natural beauty of a wild lily-of-the-field rivals the glories of Solomon, how much more will our heavenly Father be mindful of the everyday needs and the necessities of our daily lives.
The flowers of the field grow and are attired in simple beauty without care, labour, planning, management, or emotional worries! How much more will our heavenly Father care for us, who are His blood-bought children. When fear is fermented in our heart, it displaces our faith in God. It is unbelief that deposes faith in His Word and it is worry that dislodges a simple dependence on God as our faithful Provider.
Perfect love casts out fear, so let us replace fear with faith and let us reflect upon, think about, mull over, ponder, contemplate, and simply consider the lilies of the field and how they grow, "they neither toil nor do they spin; but not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these."
Father God, I thank You for the timely reminders throughout Your Word that I am to cast all my concerns on You, all my physical, emotional, financial, relational, and daily worries and fears, knowing that all things are under Your sovereign control. Thank You for providing all I have ever needed, and may I develop the right attitude towards my everyday needs and the necessities of life. Keep me mindful that worry starts with a simple doubt about Your goodness, but doubt is displaced when I trust in You with all my heart and don’t lean on my own understanding. Help me to trust You in all things. This I pray in Jesus' name, AMEN.
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