Luke 9 Devotional Commentary

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  • Luke 9
Luke 9:11

Luke 9:11

The Lord Jesus was 'the One Who was to come'.. as prophesised throughout the Jewish scriptures. Jesus was sent by God the Father to be the Jewish Messiah and Saviour of the whole world. He was born into the Jewish nation and had come to save the lost sheep of the house of Israel. He had come as the Shepherd of His people. He had come to save His people from their sins.

Like so many before Him, John the Baptist

Luke 9:20

Luke 9:20

The crowds had been following Jesus because of the mighty miracles He performed, but they did not understand the spiritual implications of His mission. The multitudes had just been miraculously fed with multiplied bread and fishes, but they were blinded to the reality of His ministry as "the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world."

And as the day of His crucifixion drew ever closer (when He would offer Himself up read more...

Luke 9:23

Luke 9:23

The Lord Jesus had just finished His ministry in the Galilee area and set His face to Jerusalem. He started preparing His followers for His fast approaching death and Resurrection. He began training His disciples for their post Resurrection ministry, and increasingly He made hints about His person, His sacrifice on the Cross, and His coming kingdom.

Jesus not only started to explain privately to His disciples about His mission and read more...

Luke 9:35

Luke 9:35

Jesus was transfigured in front of the three disciples who were part of His 'inner circle', not long after Peter had made the earth-shattering confession: "You are the Christ the Son of the living God." For the first time in His life and ministry, the Lord Jesus gave this little group of men a taste of the heavenly glory that He had with the Father before the world began, a peep in the eternal glory that He had set aside, in order to live and die read more...